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The study was carried out to investigate the influence of school physical environment on academic performance of junior secondary school’s student. The design of the study is descriptive while the population comprised principals and teachers in the education zone. The sample size for the study was 600 respondents while a researchers’ self developed questionnaire formed the instrument for data collection. Three experts validated the instrument and a cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient method was employed to ensure the reliability of the instrument. Three research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study; while student t-test statistics was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significant. A review of empirical studies was carried out to guide the researcher into previous studies in the area and also to provide the researcher with the theoretical base. A 19-item questionnaire was used to get information from the respondents. Based on the data collected and analyzed, the following results were obtained. That staff office, classroom spaces for teaching students and staff common room represented the major areas that to a great extent affect the academic performance of junior secondary schools, with regard to buildings. It was also revealed that desks, current books and presence of library assistants constituted the areas of influence to the academic achievement of the students with regard to library services in the public secondary schools. Both the principals and teachers agreed that access to reading materials in the school, lack of facilities, and nearness to school and in sufficient qualified teachers very greatly affect the academic achievement of the students. Inadequate teaching materials were also noted as a major factor affecting the students’ academic achievement. The two groups also shared common views in terms of the great influence of school health services, fencing of school for security and provision of power supply as important variable affecting the academic achievement of the students of public secondary schools. Based on the above, the researcher recommends that schools should be provided with functional libraries, equipped with current reading materials to help enhance both the students’ academic achievement and the teachers’ effectiveness in academic activities in the school.


Chapter one


1.1 Background of the study

The educational system is undeniably a production system, and it can be compared to a factory that requires men, money, and material resources to operate. Each factory has its own unique setting that reflects or reveals the type of manufacturing that takes place there. The school plant, which includes the school site, buildings, equipment, machinery, furniture, and electrical and water supply infrastructure, could be compared to the capital in an industrial setting. They are critical in ensuring the system’s effectiveness and efficiency. A basic aesthetic façade that reflects the buildings’ intended use could be a source of pride for students and have a significant impact on the school community as a whole. According to the National Policy on Education of 2004, the educational environment, particularly the physical environment, should be made conducive to the learning process. The policy recommends that classroom should be well constructed and spacious and all types of physical facilities such as instructional materials, library, laboratory, playing ground, toilets and staff rooms should be provided for effective teaching and learning process. Good modern physical facilities in school could add significantly to the promotion of academic performance. The size of classrooms, play-grounds and availability of material resources relative to the number of students in a school could also affect learning. According to Cross, Baker and Stiles (2006), many interactions characterize school learning and unless adequate spaces are provided for such interactions, learning could be hampered. These types of facilities would help in providing the desired education for the students, attracting them towards the different school programmes. Deteriorating conditions have encouraged incessant complaints from students. Adeboyeje (1984), Adedeji (1998), Owoeye (2000) and Ajayi (2002) submitted positive relationships between school facilities and school effectiveness. Hallack (1990) also highlighted physical facilities as a major influencing achievement in the school system. He emphasized that the availability, relevance and adequacy of these facilities contribute to students’ achievement while unattractive school buildings, crowded classrooms, non-availability of playground and flower beds and surroundings that have no aesthetic beauty can contribute to poor performance. Ahunanya and Ubabudu (2006) also reiterated the provision of adequate physical facilities for effective teaching and learning to take place. Adams (2004) submitted that a quiet, cool, clean and beautiful physical environment makes the teacher and students happy and enhances their performance and productivity. Wilson (2003), Okunuga (2005) and Ijaduola (2008c) cautioned that with poor physical working condition, there are usually mental fatigue, truancy, frustration, discomfort, and poor health; all those consequently reduces students academic performance.

The school physical facilities in most secondary schools in Bayelsa State have not been in good shape. In some cases, students sit on the ground to receive lessons, also many of the classrooms, laboratories, libraries, playing grounds are in a terrible state of despair (Mutiu, 1994) and Ahmed (2003) showed that in most of the nation’s secondary schools, teaching and learning take place under a most uncomfortable environment, lacking basic materials. Physical conditions refer to those things that must be available in the working place for effective work to take place. In the context of the school system, they are those things that enable the teacher and students to be able to carry out the teaching/learning process effectively and contribute to the achievement of the school goals and objectives without fatigue and distraction (Ijaduola, 2007). As opined by Felix (2004), a good school organization must have appropriate physical conditions (aesthetic beauty, availability of instructional materials, location) necessary for effective teaching/learning. According to Subair and Awolere (2006), there should be maximum presence of physical conditions such as lighting, ventilation, good building constructions, location, instructional materials, sufficient windows, doors, vents and fans to cool the heat during hot season. All these improve work and health of both the teachers and the learners.

Statement of the problem

Significant number of secondary school physical environments are not conducive for learning. The states that to achieve improved performance by the students, there should be conducive physical environment for students in the secondary schools. Unfortunately, some of the urban and rural schools lack adequate infrastructural facilities like classroom blocks as some of the students learn under shade of trees (especially the newly established ones). And where the classroom blocks exist, one discovers that most of their roofs are blown off by rain storms. Other schools have pot-holes in the greater portions of their classroom begging for repairs or renovation. Worst still, a greater percentage of the students sit and write on the bare floor for insufficient classroom seats. This situation doubtless, cannot promote students learning ability and subsequently better performance in their class work including examinations. Therefore, there is need for all hands to be on deck to make sure that hindrances were removed so that a good solid foundation could be laid for future generation.

Objective of the study

The objective of the study is the find out the influence of physical environment on academic performance of junior secondary school students in Ogba /Egbema/Ndoni LGA Rivers State

  1. Investigate the extent the quality of the physical school environment with regard to school buildings affect the academic performance of students of junior secondary school in Ogba /Egbema/Ndoni LGA Rivers State
  2. Determine the extent the library services affects academic performance of students of junior secondary schools in Ogba /Egbema/Ndoni LGA Rivers State
  3. Find out the extent school location affect student’s academic performance of junior secondary schools in Ogba /Egbema/Ndoni LGA Rivers State

Research question

The research questions were formulated;

  1. To what extent do the qualities of the physical school environment with regard to school building affect the academic performance of junior secondary school’s students?
  2. To what extent do the library services affect the academic performance of junior students of public secondary schools?


  1. How does school location affect academic performance of junior students of secondary schools?

Research hypotheses

The following research hypotheses were formulated

HO1: There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of teachers in urban and those in rural school on the extent school building affect the performance of students of junior secondary schools.

HO2: Male and female teachers do not differ significantly in their mean ratings with regard to the extent school facilities affect students’ academic performance.

Significance of the study

It is hoped that this study will provide information for parents, educators and school administrators to reflect upon various factors that help students in achieving their academic goals. In so doing, they can investigate the possibility of introducing those factors to their school, which may consequently lead to enhancing students’ educational outcomes in school. In addition, the fact that this study is conducted in public schools, it shares quite a lot of similarities with many other counterparts. In this connection, this study provides a valuable reference for other schools to reflect upon the school environment as it affects the academic performance of student in secondary school.

Scope of the study

This research work focuses on influence of physical environment on academic performance of secondary school students in some selected schools in Ogba /Egbema/Ndoni LGA Rivers State. This research work covers all public secondary schools students in Ogba /Egbema/Ndoni LGA Rivers State. However, four public secondary schools will be used as case study.

Limitation of the study

The work encountered some obstacles which served as its limitations. It was not easy getting all the materials needed for the study. Vital documents like journals, literature and other relevant materials were not easy to come by. Accessing the Internet for vital and relevant data was also not easy due to network fluctuation in the country.

Some of the target respondents exhibited poor attitude towards the work. It was difficult getting back some of the distributed questionnaires. Majority of them refused to avail themselves for interview for the fear that information gotten from them may put their job in jeopardy. To overcome this problem, the researcher had to explain to them critically the main purpose of the research as well as assuring them of their anonymity. Finance equally served as constraint to the success of the work. Carrying out the study involved a lot of money. Much was spent travelling from one community to the other in search of vital information and on printing, typesetting and binding of the research into a booklet.

The research was conducted alongside with other time demanding academic work. It was done in conjunction with classroom assignment, term papers, lectures, and examination. As a result, the researcher would not have devoted the required maximum time to the work to achieve best result if not for proper rationing of time among the time competing schedules

Definition of terms

School: A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students (or “pupils”) under the direction of teachers

School Environment: A school’s physical environment includes the school building and the surrounding.

Academic Achievement – Knowledge attained or skills developed in school subjects by test scores.

Secondary school (also”high school”) is a term used to describe an educational institution where the final stage of schooling, known as secondary education and usually compulsory up to a specified age, takes place. It follows elementary or primary education, and may be followed by university (tertiary) education.

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