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This study was on the effects of population on the utilization of ICT facilities in junior secondary schools in Ojo local government area of Lagos state. Three objectives were raised which included; To assess the availability of ICT in junior secondary schools in Ojo local government, to determine the specific use of ICT facilities in junior secondary schools in Ojo local government and to determine the factors that inhibit the use of ICT in junior secondary schools in Ojo. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were drawn from secondary schools in Ojo local government. Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS).


Chapter one


1.1Background of the study

The primary aim of education is to prepare learners for effective life in the society. To achieve this aim, the educational system must be robust and functional. The programs and objectives of the system should drive the needs and aspirations of the society, since the school is established to serve the society. The needs of the individuals are subsumed within those of the society.

The Federal Republic of Nigeria (2004), policy document- National Policy on Education defines education as an instrument “par excellence” For effecting national development. The same National Policy explicitly states that “in recognition of the prominent role of information and communication technology in advancing knowledge and skills necessary for effective functioning in the modern world, there is urgent need to integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into curriculum education in Nigeria” (FRN 2004). It further stresses that “Government shall provide necessary infrastructure and training for the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the school system in recognition of the role of ICT in advancing knowledge and skills in the modern world”

It is not uncommon to find that many establishments in Nigeria, including educational institutions, still keep records in files and tucked them away in filing cabinets where they accumulate dust. Many of these files are often eaten by rodents and pests which render them irretrievable. A great deal of routine administrative work in government establishment is still done manually. School officials still go through the rigorous exercise of manually registering students, maintaining records of student performance, keeping inventory list of supplies, doing cost accounting, paying bills, etc. The huge man-hour spent on these exercises can be drastically reduced with the application and adoption of ICT, this is to enhance overall management procedure.


Information and Communication Technologies are computer-based tools, they are electronic technologies used for information processing, storage and retrieval. These include Computers, word processing, payroll software, separating system software, satellite and internet communications, CD-ROM, projectors, scanners, just to name a few. The dawn of this millennium has witnessed a groundswell of interest in how computers and other ICT facilities can best be harnessed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of education at all levels of education and in both formal and non-formal settings. It could be seen as those devices, equipment, machines, tools and instruments used to promote teaching and learning, research and administrative functions. Thus business and other organizations including the junior secondary schools are using information to gain and sustain a competitive advantage (Okai 2008)

The field of education has been affected by ICT, which have undoubtedly affected teaching, learning and research. ICTs have the potential to accelerate, enrich and deepen, to motivate and engage students to help relate school experience to work, practice and create economic viability for tomorrow’s workers, as well as strengthening teaching and helping schools change (Yusuf, 2005). In a rapidly changing world of global market competition,  ICT have the capacity and capability to access and apply information.  1CT  act as aid to teaching and learning, as a tool for management, as instrument for economic development, as instrument of high technological development, and as a course of study.


Students and teachers can enhance classroom learning by accessing information from an array of sources communicating via internet with other students. The computer which provides virtually instantaneous responses from student input, has extensive capacity to store and manipulate information and is unmatched in its ability to serve many students simultaneously (Okebukola, 1997).


Nigeria’s quest for ICT development began in 1988 following a policy enactment on computer education. The plan was to establish pilot schools and thereafter diffuse the innovation, first to all secondary schools and then to the primary schools. Unfortunately, beyond the distribution and installation of computers in the Federal Government Colleges, the project did not take off (Okebukola, 1997) cited from Oduwa-Ogiegbaen and lyamu (2005).


Following this development, the Federal Ministry of Education launched an ICT-driven project known as school Net (, (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2006). This was intended to equip all schools in Nigeria with computers and communication technologies. In June 2003, at the African Summit of the World Economic Forum held in Durban, South Africa, the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) launched the e-schools initiative, intended to equip all African high schools with ICT equipment including computers, radio and television sets, phones and fax machines, communication equipment, scanners, digital camera and copiers among others. It is also meant to connect African students to the internet. The NEPAD capacity-building initiative is expected to benefit 600,100 schools across the African continent (Aginam, 2006).


Similarly, the Federal Government has commissioned a Mobile Internet Unit (MIU) operated by the Nigerian National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA). The MIU is saddled with the responsibility of taking internet to primary and secondary schools in remote areas in the country. Also, in complementing the effort of the Federal Government, various state governments in Nigeria have made initiatives aimed at bringing ICT education and its benefits to the doorsteps of educational institutions and all citizens of their respective states. The application of ICT for teaching and learning in our school system are expected to be 100%  since the expectation is that every school should have those facilities in a functional standard, this is to ensure effective teaching and learning. Some private organizations alike have also made committed effort in this direction. In partnership with the Lagos State government, Microsoft opened an information technology academy to train teachers on ICT. This Programmer started with a few schools in 2010 with the plan to extend it to all public schools in the state. Anambra State government has also opened a Microsoft Information and Technology Academy for 1CT training. Plateau State government also planned for the training of secondary school teachers in the stale, in order to make the teachers and students of the state ICT compliant. In Rivers State, the government introduced “internet classroom” in public secondary schools in the state. The Rivers State government has also built some model secondary schools across the state and equipped them with ICT facilities. Private bodies and corporate organizations have also been involved in the ICT drive. The telecommunication company, MTN has partnered with the Rivers State government by providing ICT facilities (with internet) in some secondary schools in the state. In this era of globalization, ICT is of paramount importance to the growth and development of education in Nigeria; to this end the junior secondary school system is in need of ICT to inspire teaching and learning. The realization of the objectives on National policy of education can also be possible in the school system through the application and adoption of ICT.


The perceived prevalence and seriousness of incompetence and poor quality of education which is the result of non-application of ICT is one of the biggest problems plaguing the school system, globalization, quest for quality education and market competitiveness has  posed more challenges for ICT to become an indispensable tool for secondary school administration, enormous resources have been committed to providing ICT facilities in secondary schools across the country in general, and in Ojo State in particular. This study therefore determined the effect of population on the utilization of ICT facilities in Junior secondary schools in Ojo Local government area.

 Statement of the Problem

The opportunity cost of education is the forgone alternative of ignorance or illiteracy. The world is in the information age. Every  information is only a “click” or a “dial” away. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has therefore come to stay, even with more-sophisticated devices. Today, everyone needs a basic understanding of ICT and how to make productive use of it, just to be good students, workers, citizens and to keep abreast with the environment and the world. Despite the introduction of this innovation, most educational institutions seem to have continued the “old way” as instructional delivery methods in schools is continuously based on chalk and chalkboard. Utilization of the technology appears to have been slowed down due to inadequate manpower as most teachers are yet to get in tune with ICT. The low level of internet usage, inadequate computers and its accessories, and lack of internet access point will result to a poor attitude towards the use of internet, the low level of application of ICT in secondary school system particularly the junior secondary schools will pose a serious threat to the ability of the school to handle large volume of information at a fast rate and it will also pose a threat to UBE program implementation

 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are

  1. To assess the availability of ICT in junior secondary schools in Ojo local government
  2. To determine the specific use of ICT facilities in junior secondary schools in Ojo local government.
  3. To determine the factors that inhibit the use of ICT in junior secondary schools in Ojo

   Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses guided this study:

There is no significant difference between the urban and rural junior secondary schools in their mean score of the availability of ICT Ojo local government

There is no significant difference between the urban and rural junior secondary schools in their mean scores on the specific use of I.C.T in Ojo local government

 Significance of the study

The study will be beneficial to students and the ministry of education in Lagos state. The study give a clear insight on the effects of population on the utilization of ICT facilities in junior secondary schools in Ojo local government area in Lagos state. The study will serve a reference to other researcher that will embark on the related topic

Scope of the Study

This study covers some junior secondary schools in urban centers and rural junior secondary schools in Ojo local government. The study focused on the following variables:  availability of ICT in junior secondary schools, the specific use of ICT in junior secondary schools , and the factors that inhibit the use of ICT in junior schools in Rivers State.

Limitation of the study

The researcher encounters some constraints which limit the scope of the study namely:

The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study

The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.

Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Definition of terms

Ict: Information and communications technology is an extensional term for information technology that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications

Utilization: Utilization is the action of using something, i.e., making practical and effective use of it. Put simply; the term refers to the use of something or the process of using it effectively.

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