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This study was on using extensive reading to enhance the reading comprehensive. Three objectives were raised which included: To determine the Abrafi SHS1 students’ level of achievement in vocabulary development before and after instruction using extensive reading, to assess the effect of extensive reading strategy in students’ achievement in concord before and after treatment and to find out whether extensive reading enhance reading comprehension. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were drawn from Abrafi SHS1 students. Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS).

Chapter one


1.1Background of the study

Reading is one of the important skill that should be mastered by the students since it has many advantages for them. A good reading competence is a necessity for students for those studying English. By reading, students are able to update current information and knowledge that will be benefit for their language improvement. However, students often find difficulties in reading since they do not understand the meaning of the sentences or words in the text. It is due to the position of students as L2 learners. Thus it needs more effort for them to comprehend the meaning of the text. This is one reason why students are likely to be hesitant readers (Cahyono and Widiati, 2006) because reading in a foreign language is not easy. Moreover, students need more time to understand the text given by the lecturers in the class. Sometimes the time used in the class is not enough for students to be able to comprehend the book or passage well. It is in line with Ruzin (2019) that students reading a book or text in the classroom usually only have short time, so it causes students not able to figure out what they read, such as the content or the information from the text. Therefore, lecturers need to find appropriate teaching technique to encourage students’ motivation and interest in reading. There are many teaching techniques that can be used for teaching reading, one of them is applying extensive reading in the class.

`      Reading is one of English skills that need to be mastered by language learners. Reading can be defined as a process to understand the meaning of a written text (Richards and Schmidt, 2010). As we know, the position of English language in our country is as a foreign language. It means, it needs certain learning method to comprehend it well. Since it is not our mother tongue, so it tend to difficult for us to comprehend what we read directly. Reading receives a special concentration in many second and foreign language teaching situations (Richard and Renandya, 2002). In the classroom context, students also stated that reading an English text is difficult to be understood.  Then, it affected their reading performance in the class. To make them familiar with English texts, they have to build their reading habit and forced to read as many as English books.

The existance of extensive reading is different from intensive reading. In intensive reading, students are accostumed to read short texts with close guidance from the teacher. It is closely related to reading in the class or reading for academic purposes. Then, the main goal of intensive reading is to develop students’ reading skill. According to Renandya (2007)  the aim of intensive reading is to help students obtain detailed meaning from the text, to develop reading skills such as identifying main ideas and recognizing text connectors and to enhance vocabulary and grammar knowledge. On the other hand, to facilitate students’ need in reading, students need reading activity that can make them happy and enjoy the activity of reading itself. Here is the role of extensive reading. The aim of extensive reading based on Extensive Reading Foundation (2011) is to help the student become better at the skill of reading rather than reading to study the language itself. However, extensive and intensive reading should not be separated because both of them have complementary goals.

Furthermore, extensive reading is one of right method to improve reading skill Ruzin (2019). Through extensive reading, students are able to choose their own books or passages. Thus, it will make them enjoy the reading activity. Extensive reading is a technique in teaching reading which is defined as a situation where students read a lot of materials in their level in a new language; they read for general, for overall meaning, and for information at one with enjoyment (Day and Bamford, 2004). Furthermore, Richards and Schmidt (2002) state that extensive reading is intended to develop good reading habits, to build up knowledge of vocabulary and structure, and encourage a liking for reading. The main purpose of implementing extensive reading is to motivate students to read more. Besides, it is expected through extensive reading activity, students are also able to improve their English skills.   Therefore, the principal goal is to motivate students to read and enjoy reading in order to develop their reading ability (Meng, 2009) . Because of this, reading is a pleasurable activity for students, promoted as much as possible by the teacher. According to Nation (2005), during extensive reading, students should be interested in what they are reading and should be reading with their attention on the meaning of the text rather than on learning the language features of the text.

Statement of the problem

In extensive reading activity, students are free to choose their own reading materials. One of the reasons why students take pleasure in extensive reading program is that they can choose what they want to read (Day and Bamford, 2004). Besides, students also able to do this activity outside the class hour. Although students assigned to read outside the class, this activity should be monitored by the teachers. To keep tract with students reading, teachers should encourage them to report back their reading in certain ways (Harmer, 2007) for example by employing reading journal. Moreover, the benefit of reading journal or reading report is it can be used to know how far the progress of students’ reading. Another activity that can be utilized by students to do extensive reading is by discussing the text. This activity requires the students to actively engage in the discussion with their classmates. They can share their personal taught, opinion, or ideas toward the extensive reading materials they have read. It is in line with Sweet (2000) who suggests that student should be involved in group discussion where critical readers and learners are more likely to happen; students engage in daily discussions about what they read

Objective of the study

The objectives of the study are;

  1. To determine the Abrafi SHS1 students’ level of achievement in vocabulary development before and after instruction using extensive reading.
  2. To assess the effect of extensive reading strategy in students’ achievement in concord before and after treatment.
  3. To find out whether extensive reading enhance reading comprehension

Research hypotheses

The following research hypotheses were formulated;

H0: there is no effect of extensive reading strategy in students’ achievement in concord before and after treatment.

H1: there is effect of extensive reading strategy in students’ achievement in concord before and after treatment.

H0: extensive reading do not enhance reading comprehension

H2: extensive reading enhance reading comprehension

Significance of the study

The study will be very significance to students and ministry of education. The study will give a clear insight on the using extensive reading to enhance the reading comprehension of Abrafi SHS1 students. The study will also serve as a reference to other researcher that will embark on the related topic

Scope and limitation of the study

The scope of the study covers using extensive reading to enhance the reading comprehension of Abrafi SHS1 students. The study will be limited to Abrafi SHS1

        A study of this nature cannot be carried out without difficulties in the process. An important constraint is the time constraint. This research proposal work and examination and the research were complied with a very short period of one week.

Another constraint is finance, a research of this nature involves adequate search ( raw materials)  Lastly, difficulty in securing relevant data for the study

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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