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The researcher observed that most teachers do not teach with appropriate teaching and learning materials especially during Mathematics lessons. They undermine the value of Dienes Multi-Base resources and therefore, do not even take into consideration the type of TLMs to be used when planning their lessons. It is as a result of the above mentioned menace that has necessitated embarking on this research. The qualitative research design was adopted by the researcher for this study. The research instruments employed for the study were observation and interview. Findings from the interview revealed that most teachers do not use Dienes multi-based block resources in their mathematics lesson delivery and even the few that teach place value in math’s lesson are not using Dienes multi-based block resources. The interview also revealed that most teachers lack the spirit of using self-made materials (locally available materials) to support the few sophisticated materials available for teaching and learning. Findings from the observation confirmed that some teachers actually teach using chalkboard illustrations and pictures from pupil’s text books. Others teach using the lecture method which affects children understanding of concepts and ideas. After intervention, it was recommended that the Ghana education service (GES) should enforce by-laws to guide the implementation of school- based (SBI) and cluster-based in-service (CBI) training in our schools. Supervision unit of the GES should be strengthened up by circuit supervisors to do proper monitoring and supervision. Colleges of Education should infuse DMBs materials preparation and usage as a course in order to equip teachers with the skills of developing interactive materials for teaching and learning in schools, especially the basic school level. The districts training officers should organise training based on the needs of the trainees not on huge funds to maximise profit. Guidelines for organising appropriate refresher for teachers in mathematics should be strictly followed.



This chapter is made up of sections include, the background to the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, purpose of the study, research questions and hypotheses, significance of the study, scope of the study, the structure of the study and conclusion.


Education is the backbone of every nation. It is necessary for the development of every organization in this world. Education enhances both human and materials resources. Mathematics plays a vital role in education, such as, every single human activity in our homes, schools, work places, market places, and many more. Many parents or guardians are extremely concerned about the academic performance of their wards just because they consider education as an investment in human resources and learning process. As a logical body of knowledge, mathematics can be used as a guide for arriving at results in a systematic way. It is a way of thinking not only working but also the way the individual plans his activities.

Dienes multi-based block (DMB) materials is a practical, learner-centered, mind –on and hands – on innovative method of teaching special or difficult concepts like place value in mathematics. It is a cognitive to meaning meaningful mathematics instruction (Diana & Hilbert, 1988). This was invented by a 20th Century renowned Hungarian mathematician called Zoltan Paul Dienes. He devised this material to demystify the learning of mathematical concepts among the youths. Dienes’ Block consists of a block of 1000 unit cubes. This block comprises of a unit long, flat,

(square), block and a group of blocks as the case may be. A unit is a cube of 2*2*2 cm3 in dimension. A long (line) contains ten cubes, flat contains hundreds of cubes and block contains one thousand of cubes.

Dienes’ block is applied using base (ten) 10 but can be easily decomposed into other bases. The relationship between unit-line-square- block is based on the idea of place value and its significance. This block is used in solving problems involving conversion and mathematical operations of plus, minus, multiplication, division and place value practically.

The high rate of poor academic performance in mathematics of Nabulugu D/A primary basic six pupils is a concern to whole community which needs urgent and appropriate attention to eradicate this phenomenon. It is due to the failure of some teachers to use appropriate and standard teaching and learning materials (TLMs) during instructional hours. It is necessary for teachers to acquire the appropriate skills of handling and manipulating TLMs especially Dienes multi -based resources in teaching mathematics.

According to Adjei (2013) teaching learning resources is a generic term used to describe the resources teachers use to deliver instructions. When learners interact with materials, learning becomes permanent. As teaching and learning influenced the impact of knowledge and skills to learners, Denies resources for training teachers are very necessary in teaching. DMB resources form a significant part of lesson delivery most especially, at the basic school level. It is believed that using multi-based resources in teaching will help improve upon the academic performance of the pupils especially in mathematics.

It is therefore, important to note that Denies multi-based resources play a very significant role for the learners to understand the concepts of place value and helps reduce the waist of instructional

time in the classroom. Many parents assess the quality of the educational system conventionally by analyzing the results of the products of the system over the years. The poor performance of the pupils or students in Basic Education Certificate Examinations (BECE) and the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations (SSSCE) respectively give parents or guardians cause to complain with a view to identify and rectify lapses in the academic ladder.

This will help to develop children’s skills, knowledge and attitudes that will prepare them adequately to apply real life situation in future. In the course of my stay at the school as a head teacher, I have observed that most teachers teach without using appropriate teaching and learning resources especially newly recruited teachers. This usually makes learners almost all the time learn through rote. As newly recruited teachers, some may face challenges like types of teaching learning resources, in mathematics which included multi- based materials usage in specific areas like place value. Some fresh teachers undermine the significant role of teaching learning resources. It is as results of the above mentioned prompt me to undertake this research topic to contribute my quota to help newly recruited teachers to develop the interest of using teaching resources during mathematics lesson delivery.

According to University College of Cork (2003), flexibility in teaching resources and the use of multimedia make it possible to reach out total learning styles. Blackboard or multimedia and course web site can provide the syllabus, assignment, discussion group, individual task, project work, video materials and power point presentation. It is time to note that teaching and learning resources play important role so far as teaching and learning is concern. As newly recruited teachers there is the need for them to interact with these materials to accord their classroom practice in place value lesson. It is important to note that, no country can advance without a sound scientific base and mathematics forms the root of science.

There is the need to design and adopt strategies that will make the teaching and learning of mathematics, especially the basic operations, interesting at the basic school level of education in Ghana. The researcher is interested in training newly recruited teachers on the use of multi-based block to teach place value.


In the course of the researchers stay at the district as a teacher, the researcher noticed that most teachers did not teach with appropriate teaching and materials. Children rather are engaged in rote learning. The researcher got to realize this unfortunate incident when he was appointed as the head teacher in the school. The major role of head teachers is to support teachers who have challenges in handling specific subject areas. Some teachers undermine the value of DMBs resources and therefore, do not even take into consideration the type of TLMs to be used when planning their lessons. It is as a result of the above mentioned menace that has necessitated embarking on this research to contribute my quota to help teachers and pupils in the district to be fully aware of the need to always use materials which are relevant to support teaching and learning in the classroom. This will help to build teachers professional growth and development and that can translate positively in students’ performance.


Play has been identified as one of the key contexts for children’s early growth and development (French, 2007). When children interact with materials, learning becomes permanent. This will help to develop children knowledge, skills and attitudes that will prepare them adequately to face the realities of life when they become adults in future.


  1. In-formal observation: Observation showed that some mathematics teachers in the school teach place value without using multi-based blocks materials which is worrying.
    1. Interview: A few of the pupils are willing to pursue mathematics after the Basic Education Certificate Examination and also few teachers make mathematics interested for learners.
    1. Quizzes and class exercises revealed that only less than half of the pupils get the average mark in mathematics at the upper primary.
    1. Results of Entrance exams and cumulative records for primary six pupils who are transiting to the Junior High School in 2016 brought to light that less than half of students score the average mark in mathematics.


1.5.1.   Observation

  • Inadequate skills of some newly recruited teachers to use multi-based blocks to teach place value appropriately at the basic schools was revealed.
    • Teachers who are not trained as mathematics teachers assumed to be teaching the subject.
  • Some teachers did not always prepare adequately before going to the classroom.

1.5.2.   Interview:

  • Teaching and learning materials were expensive to acquire.
  • Many people perceived mathematics to be a very difficult subject or course to pursue.

Hence, the teaching of mathematics is affected.

  • Lack of interest by people to take up mathematics courses from the Primary to the university level was evidence.
    •   Developing the capacity of mathematics teachers to make them competent in the school was lacking. Our continued existence depends on the mastery of the knowledge and attitudes of mathematics and technology. In view of this, a country like Ghana needs mathematicians literate citizens who can make informed choices in their personal lives and approach challenges in the workplace in a systematic and logical order.
    • They also need to become competent professionals in the various mathematician disciplines who can carry out research and development at the highest level. Therefore, the general aims for mathematics  education at the basic level are meant to help pupils to:
      • Develop understanding of mathematics concepts and principles.
  1. Develop an appreciation for the application of science to life.
  1. Think and act mathematical and
  1. Develop logical attitudes towards life.

In order to realize the above goals, Ghana has sought to increase and sustain interests in mathematician and technology and in mathematicians related programmers at the basic, secondary and tertiary levels of education. Aina (2011) has the view that primary education is the bedrock of educational continuum and it requires a solid foundation in mathematics. The researcher made a visit to the schools to find out how teachers deliver lessons in mathematics, the observation of the researcher showed points such as:

  • Inadequate instructional materials for teaching mathematics at the basic level.
  • School heads confirmed decline in the performance of students in mathematics over the past years especially with reference to BECE results. They added that, this is as a result of students lacking interest in the mathematics subject.
    • Some teachers stated that the imported instructional materials are based on foreign concepts which make it difficult for some children to relate that concept into their immediate classroom situation.
    • Some pupils also confirmed that hardly do their teachers use mathematics TLMs (DMBs resources) in the mathematics classroom.


Teaching resources are the only materials that can be used as components in effective lesson delivery in learning centers. Under the mission of Ghana Education service, teaching and learning materials form one of the key components of instructional resources that will make lesson interesting and lovely. Concrete teaching resources like DMBs will enhance students understanding of concepts so that they will be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the real life situation. However, most teachers teach without these learning resources.

This problem has contributed greatly to the poor performance of students in mathematics in the nation as a whole. It is common to see even existing teachers teaching for a whole term without using even a single teaching and learning aid and this inhabit student’s productivity and academic achievement. In response to this problem, the study is to investigate into the problem to make teachers realize the need to always use DMBs materials during mathematics lesson.

This will eventually improve performance at all levels. The study will inculcate in new teachers

the habit of preparing adequate teaching and learning materials to achieve maximum results at the end through organizing a series of training for newly recruited teachers to acquire skills and update their knowledge.

Research evidence by the World Bank supports the view that considerable contribution are made by text books and other instructional resources to effective teaching and improve the quality of education (Farrel and Heyneman, 1989). The view in current national education document is that learning materials are integral part of curriculum development learning support materials for OBE (1998).All the above made the researcher to write on this topic to create awareness of the value of multi-based resources.

Greenwald, Hedges and Lain (1996) stated that, the more teaching experience the teacher has, the higher the probability of increase in students’ achievement. There is therefore the need to identify the problem areas in learning mathematics so that efforts would be made to resolve the problems of place value.


The main purpose of the research is to train newly recruited teachers on the use of multi- based blocks to teach basic six pupils place value in mathematics at Nabulugu D/A primary school in the West Mamprusi District.


The objectives that guided this study are presented below:

1.8.1 Main Objective

The main objective of the study was to train teachers on the use of DMBs materials to teach

basic six pupils place value at Nabulugu D/A Primary School.

1.8.8 Specific Objectives of the study

  1. To examine the uses of DMBs materials in basic six mathematics.
  • To train teachers on the use of DMBs materials to teach place value.
  • To examine the effects of not using Dienes multi-based materials to teach place value.
  • To ascertain the effective use of DMBs resources to teach basic six pupils place value.


  1. What are DMBs teaching resources in mathematics?
  • What are the effects of using DMBs materials in teaching place value?
  • What is the impact of DMBs materials on pupils’ performance?
  • What method can be used to train teachers on the use of DMBs Materials to teach place value?


The purpose of this study is to train teachers on the use of DMBs materials to acquire skills and knowledge on how to deliver lessons with the use of these materials to improve classroom practices. It is real that some teachers prefer the use of lecture method to practical method of teaching. Many efforts have been made in the corporate countries including Ghana to make teaching flexible for economic importance and national development. In this sense, teachers need to teach all subjects in schools by adopting the use of appropriate relevant resources to arose and sustain the interest of learners during instructional hours.

The final findings of this research will go a long way to provide adequate information for further research in a related study. The problem of poor performance of mathematics students in Nabulugu may be similar, if not the same to students of other schools. Hence may provide a basis for research as related to other topics in mathematics.

The findings of this study will suggest to the Ministry of Education and Ghana Education Service (GES) to organize numerous training for teachers on the use of teaching and learning materials (TLMs) especially DMBs resources to teach in schools.

The study will help the curriculum planners and research development directorate (CRDD), the Ghana Education Service (GES) and Ministry of Education (MoE) in their work to restructure certain aspect of the mathematics to use specific TLMs with certain topics.


This study will only focus on the training of teachers on the use of Dienes Multi-Based Blocks to teach basic six pupils place value at Nabulugu D/A Primary School in West Mamprusi District.


This study will be structured in the following: chapter one will present and discuss the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, the research questions, significance of the study, scope of the study and organization of the study. Chapter two will present the literature review. Chapter three will present the methodology. Chapter four will present the results and discussions, chapter five will present the summary, conclusion and recommendations of the study.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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