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Today most of the school building which are supposed to promote and enhance teaching, learning and extra-curricular activities are obsolete and thereby causing serious challenges to the 21st century educational needs of the learners. Most public secondary school hostels buildings in Niger state were built during the colonial era, many of them are so old that they are dilapidated and unsafe for human occupation. Thus, the study aims to evaluate the performance of public secondary school hostel buildings in Niger State. The study utilized a quantitative approach where structured questionnaires were distributed to hostel facility managers and student users of higher classes. A total of 187 questionnaires were retrieved out of the 218 distributed which represent 85.32%. The collected data were analysed using a descriptive statistical method such as relative importance index (RII), the Percentile, and the ranking method. The study revealed that 11 variables which represents 29.73% are in good condition and performance which indicates that the variables do not require immediate maintenance. Sixteen (16) variables which represent 43.24% are fair in condition and performance and ten (10) variables which represents 27.03% have poor condition and performance. It also revealed that the building users are satisfied with the condition and performance of 6 variables, dissatisfied with 10 and fairly satisfied with 21 of the variables. Furthermore, it also revealed that the correlation between the level of building performance attributes and user’s satisfaction level is low because (13.25%) implies a positive, but weak statistical relationship between the two set of variables. The research concludes that 70.27% of the variables have performance issues and will require immediate attention or maintenance. It also concluded that 83.78% of the components are in a state that can best be described  as dissatisfactory. The relationship is weak, but the positive value obtained indicates that as the condition of the hostels are changing, there will be a corresponding change in the satisfaction level of the occupants. Based on the findings, the study recommends that effective building performance evaluation and maintenance management practices be carried out on the public secondary school hostel building to improve its conditions and comfort of users. Regular inspections and maintenance should be carried out in hostels and adequate funding should be provided for this purpose. It also recommends that BPEs can be conducted from time to time to inform the relevant professionals on the cost cutting measures through effective designs that can be adopted for the construction of similar projects in the future.



1.1 Background of the Study

A complete building with its facilities and services must be fit for the purpose it is initiated. Meaning that it should be able to perform its functions in the manner that it will ensure value of the building and satisfaction to its occupants (Ilesanmi, 2010; Hinde, 2012). Although buildings are constructed for different purposes (housing, school, health, etc.), their performance either excellent or poor can be determined by its users (Ilesanmi, 2010; Jiboye, 2012). Educational buildings, facilities, and their environment must be given the highest value for effective functioning and productivity (Olatunji, 2013). Functions of a building has been found to influence the design quality of such building (Codinhoto et al., 2009; Ibrahim, 2011; Jiboye, 2012). For example, a well-designed school have the tendency to improve satisfaction, comfort, teaching and learning process of teachers and students thereby improving their educational success (Khan & Kotharkar, 2012; Khalil et al., 2015).

A number of reasons have been provided on why school buildings perform poorly in meeting users’ needs and expectations. The major reason was lack of adequate knowledge of users’ changing needs and preferences by architects and other professionals who design, construct and maintain these buildings. And the panacea to improve the overall performance of buildings is to explore and understand user’s needs, expectations and aspirations through regular performance evaluation by means of Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) or Post Occupancy Evaluation  (POE)  (Khalil  &  Nawawi,  2008:  Ibem  et  al.,  2017).  Building Performance Evaluation or (POE) can be defined as the process of obtaining knowledge about building performance from users, and using the feedbacks to inform what needs to be fine-tuned or improved in the existing school building and also used to better the design qualities of future school building projects (Ilesanmi, 2010; Jiboye, 2012). The objectives of BPE or POE are the same for all buildings including those where educational activities takes place either for primary, secondary or tertiary purposes.

Today most of the school’s building which are supposed to promote and improve teaching, learning and  extra-curricular activities  in  secondary schools  are obsolete and  thereby, creating serious challenges to the 21st century educational needs of the learners, Others are dilapidated and not suitable to motivate secondary school students to learn (Osuji, 2016).

Most secondary school hostel buildings today were built during the colonial era; many of them are so old that they are dilapidated and unsafe for human occupation. While those that are fairly good are congested by students. These buildings or parts of it should be re-placed or reinforced so as to avoid tragedy that may lead to loss of lives of the occupants. These have led to the poor performance of students which is attributed to poor learning environment and lack of facilities among others (Osuji, 2016).

Regarding the design, organizational and operational structures of a secondary school hostel building, it is assumed that its size is determined by the number of student population who is going to be domiciled in the building (Stavroula et al., 2014).

Satisfying  users  of  any  facility (including  hostel  facility)  should  be  one  of  the  main objectives of providing such a facility in the first instance.

It is therefore important that research is conducted to find out the performance evaluation of student hostel building in relation to the perception of users. This is because when students are satisfied with the structures that shelter them, it will lead to an improvement in the academic performance of the students, safety of the students, and reduction in complaints being filed against the management among others (Ajayi et al., 2015).

1.2       Statement of the Research Problem

Today, most of the secondary school hostel buildings were built during the colonial era; many of them are so old that they are dilapidated and unsafe for human occupation. While those that are relatively good are congested by students (Osuji, 2016). In the 21st century, there has been a tremendous growth in student’s population without corresponding improvements in the condition of where the student live (Osuji, 2016).  Many buildings do not perform as planned or needed. In some cases this comes with a great impact on the replacement cost of such buildings, running cost of such buildings,  performance of such buildings, client satisfaction, health and safety as well as comfort   of the occupants (Akinluyi, 2013). For construction of any building whether schools or hospitals, learning from and correcting past mistakes in design and commissioning of buildings can be extremely cost  effective    and  will  improve  productivity  (Akinluyi,  2013).  Oftentimes problems associated with building defects are not usually very visible which leads to the conduct of POE so as to reduce the building defects, improve maintenance culture and save cost (Ibem et al., 2013) Green and Moss (1998) says performance evaluation can be used to upgrade, refurbish an existing building, this act comes with its cost implication, the upgrading and refurbishment of these building facilities comes at a cost to the client. Performance evaluation of a building can be used to improve the process of building procurement (Karim & Carl, 2014). Professionally, the Quantity Surveyor for example provides cost implication for upgrading, renovation, rehabilitation and construction of a new building.

This research work will provide the Quantity Surveyor with information on how to solve POE problems relating to the hostel buildings we use and thereby reducing cost of maintenance and improved future design by the Architect. It will also provide insights to the facilities managers managing the buildings in secondary schools on what type of maintenance culture to adopt. The information gathered will however enable the concerned authorities to improve services, develop strategic policies and offer better housing facilities that can easily be maintained in a manner that it will save cost to both the parents and government.

1.3 Research Questions

1)  What is the condition of the hostel buildings in some public secondary schools in Niger State?

2)  What is the performance level of the hostel buildings in some public secondary schools in Niger State?

3)  What is the levels of user’s satisfaction in terms of functional, technical, and indoor environmental quality?

4)  What is the relationship between building performance and the users’ satisfaction


1.4 Aim and Objectives

The aim of the study is to evaluate the performance of public secondary school hostel buildings in Niger State.


1)  To examine the condition of the hostel buildings in some public secondary schools in Niger State

2)  To determine the performance level of some public secondary school hostel building.

3)  To determine the level of user’s satisfaction in terms of functional, technical, and indoor environmental quality.

4)  To determine the relationship between building performance and user’s satisfaction level.

1.5 Research gap

Research on performance evaluation or post occupancy evaluation of a building is not a new field of knowledge and expertise (Aliyu et al., 2016). Many studies have been carried out by many authors in this field. However, addition to the work done in this area, work need to be carried out on the performance evaluation of public secondary school building in Niger state with emphasis on the hostel building. Hence, this study has to be carried out in order to expose the condition of the building and perception of the students on the performance of the hostel buildings in Niger State.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This research work shall assist every stakeholder (The members of the built environment, policy makers, school administrators, teachers, government and the students) in playing a sensitive role aimed at improving the quality, standard and use of the building in these colleges, this will create a conducive learning environment and improve the standard of education. The information gathered will however enable the concerned authorities to improve services, develop strategic policies and offer better housing facilities that can easily be maintained in a manner that it will save cost to both the parents and government.

Policy makers will be well equipped with reliable and factual information which serves as an input for effective law making on issues relating to allocation of funds, timely released period and the legal framework guiding its activities. Secondly, it will provide an extensive knowledge of school facilities to the school administrators to initiate, sustain and put to use. It will afford other researchers to look into grey areas not covered in the present study and seek ways of improving over it. It will also place a great burden on the government to provide adequate funding to the school system, equipped the inspectorate unit to carry out its functions effectively.

1.7 Justification for the Study

In order to justify the research gap in this study, the contributions of the following researchers cannot be over-emphasized: In the United Kingdom, Higgins et al. (2005) conducted a study on the impact of school environment and found out that the neglect of school buildings will inevitably pervade the student’s attitude and staffs.  In India Stavroula et al. (2014) studied the effect of the school internal environment on secondary education and opined that school building which are in bad shape can cause health problems, lower students morale and contribute to poor student performance.

In Ghana, Stephen and Zotorvie (2017) studied student’s accommodation and academic performance and revealed that proximity to lecture halls, spacious and well ventilated rooms; calm and peaceful environment, availability of study area, accommodation fee, and availability of electricity and water were the critical factors that influenced the students’ choice of residential accommodation. In Nigeria, Olatunji (2013) studied post occupancy evaluation of Lagos state polytechnic facilities. Oladoja (2015) carried out a study on performance evaluation of primary health care building in Abuja and revealed that functionality and  quality of the primary health  care building inhibit the facilities and contribute to poor performance of staff and it also affect the healing process of the patients.

Philip et al. (2018) studied post occupancy evaluation of students hostels in federal universities in north central Nigeria and concludes that overcrowding, inadequate spaces, non -availability of recreational spaces and lack of internet services are challenges in hostels. But oftentimes problems associated with building defects are not usually very visible which leads to the conduct of POE so as to reduce the building defects, improve maintenance culture and save cost (Ibem et al., 2013).     Then Osuji (2016) studied impact of school facilities on student academic performance in public secondary schools in Giwa and Zaria zones and concluded that school facilities remain one essential factor in the realization of the goals of secondary education.

1.8 Scope of the Study

The study covered physical structure of public secondary school hostels buildings (PSSHB) in Niger State, and not the services rendered by the hostel managers. The choice of Niger state is based on convenience. Performance evaluation of the studied PSSHB were limited to the subjective perceptions of the various categories of its users in Niger State only. This perception is centered on functionality, access and design of the hostels building

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