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In organization people to work effectively in an organization emphasis on industrial accident and safety should be made.  The welfare of the employee should be placed upper most among other priorities.

In this then it could be said that management it not complete without the management of employee welfare. Due to the importance of making sure that employees of a given organization are safe and secure. There is need to device on effective means of ensuring these

This research tries to X ray how organization cans mange the welfare of their employee especially in the work place.  In large organization like premier breweries PLC. Onitsha where heavy duty equipment and other machines are utilized.  There are tendencies of hazards in some aspect of the job.  These hazards come in the form of accidents that may range from simple or minor injuries to complex major or even fatal accident that could render many worker useless for a longtime or even for life.

This study will surely go along way to identifying the cause of accidents in industries and further more suggest ways through which workers can go about their function more safely and efficiently with less fear of getting harmed or injured.

In the past a good number of employees have had their carriers destroyed due to the ghastly factory accident. The unfortunate thing about the whole issue is that most is the accidents take place because of very poor maintenance cultures. In other cases the employee are not given the needed orientation required to operate the machines properly.

Further more in this project work I will deliberate considerably on the introduction of certain safety measures in different departments. Of a named organization ( i.e. premier breweries  PLC Onitsha)

The measure if used will go along way to reducing the cause of accidents.




Title page

Approval page




Table of content



1.0     Introduction 

  • Background of the study
  • Statement of problem
  • Industrial accident problem
  • Objective of research work
  • Definition of terms
  • Reference



2.0     Literature review

  • Development of industrial safety movement
  • Payment for employee health and security
  • Extra payments and employees services
  • Controlled atmospheric conditions
  • Safe campaigns and posters
  • Description of research instrument
  • Summary of finding
  • References



  • Conclusion

3.1     Data presentation

  • Recommendation
  • Conclusion
  • Reference







Background Of The Study

Premier breweries PLC formerly Ltd sprang in n 1977 with just office some 20 year later it operate with heavy branch which includes eastern plastics ltd Emene premier farm Ltd

Even though the organization started off in 1977 its history dates back to 1974 when the government of the defunct east central state under chief Ukpabi Asika entered into a machinery supply/ plant design contract with the German company   Messers brave chases for the establishment of brewery at Onitsha initially the plan was that the brewery should be a golden guinea brewery’s subsidiary.

However in January 25th 1976 Diamond breweries Ltd a fully independent company was incorporated while in December   of that same year the name was changed to premier breweries Ltd. It was commissioned by col. John A Kpera (Ltd).  Now brigadier the then military government of Anambra state on the  11th of March 1978

At set off the production capacity was 350.00 hectoliters.  However after the first phase of the expansion programme which cost N15,00,000 (fifteen million Naira) capacity rose to 750,00 hectoliter and the second phase of the expansion programme costing N9,000.00 (Nine million Naira) bringing the capacity to 1,200,00 hectoliters.  These increase has made the premier breweries the second  largest producer of    beer in the west African sub region.

A look at the Eastern  plastic Ltd Emene reveals that it engage in the production of plastics like bottle crates etc. further more a land of about 100hectares has since been developed in Uzo- Uwani L. G. A of Enugu State.

It most be noted that at start of operations there were just 80 worker (premier breweries PLC) But  as at today it can boast of over 1500 employees directly and indirectly. The owners of this company include the following.

  1. Anambra State ministry of finance
  2. Nigeria industrial development Bank (NIDB)
  3. Nigeria bank for commerce and industry
  4. some other associations and publicities


but with the more into the PLC class the capital bask of the company has been raised through the sell of shares thereby  introducing more member via share holding also the multi malt was launched during the very first international trade fair help Enugu in April 1990

The company has grow not just in capacity also in the qualifies of its products.  Infact in this vein the   standard organization of Nigeria (SON) awarded it the N15 certificate of quality barely five months after its entry into the Nigeria malt drink market In this age global economic diversification from the agricultural sector to the manufacturing sector or what we would call the industrial revolution there is no doubt that there is an increase in the number of industrial springing up in most of our metropolitan cities?

To many Nigeria this is of great benefit in terms of employment increase in production and promotion of economic growth.  However development becomes a source of sorrows to many houses holds industrial hazards in these companies have been inevitable.  Inspite of several years of effort by the federal government to find ways of educing accidents, it still remain a serious problem “worldwide trends shows that while these has been significant reduction in total accidents in the past 15years injuries have increased not only in absolute numbers but also in rates per exposed workers.   Judging from   data of 14 industrialized countries the total number of injured people seems to be increasing yearly by 5%.


Here in Nigeria it can be rightly said that in the first quarter of 1990 three were about 720 industrial accident casualties. These figures are quite alarming and close to N100.000.00 were spent for those three months   only.

For the injured their families can’t be fully compensated for the loss; some are incapacitated for life and therefore can’t regain health and strength.  A part from that human suffering linked with accident cannot be over emphasized.  More so there is lot of time lost by other employee who stop work in sympathy of their injured colleagues  cost of time lost by supervisor in investigating the real cause of the accident and reporting to employers remember the saying “time lost can never be regained”

Additional losses include lost to employer through employee welfare and benefit system and also cost due to be loss of profit on the injured workers.

On might be prompted to ask what really is accident well “accident has bee seen by various cadres of professionals and laymen and has been interpreted to mean unforeseen happening an unexpected occurrence which produces hurt or loss of life.

They do not just happen rather they are caused and at last majority of them are preventable be use of safely devices and proper working system. It is in the light of this that federal government has enacted different safety laws that would play preventive roles in reducing the rate of industrial accident.

They include:

  1. Work man compensation ct of 1942
  2. Environment safety law (e.g. of heating and lighting)
  3. total accident act of 1961
  4. health and safety at work act of 1974
  5. Nigeria factory act of 1961 etc.


The question is of which extent has these government laws reduced the rate of industrial accidents? There is still a lot of hazard in or manufacturing companies general.  J.W Boley outline that accident are caused by employee’s errors supervisor error and management error and of course machine error. This view is supported many experts.  From what been said if proper steps are not taken to identify and forestall the cause of these hazards and prevent adequate and workable safety laws there is the tendency that the rate of fatal accidents in our manufacturing concerns would continue to be on the increase.  Thus this research work would attempt to bring out the actual causes of accidents and the frequency of occurrence.  However slight reference will be made on the legal implication of these activities.


The frequent enactment of laws in this country and perhaps other is in the world would have made industries to look deeply into cause of these accidents with a view to brining them to a minimal level.

Despite  these laws we are not yet in effective control of our working system and environment sequel to lack of skilled manpower and the shortage was largely as a result of neglect of employees training   and management development programs by manufacturing organization aimed at mastering the device for work.  Also lack of the much- need education poses a great problem, for some could be highly skillful on the job but lack the reading ability to read instructional manuals tagged on the machines for safety purposes

Equally there is other problems it centers  around companies complying with standard laws and enforcing compliance through a system of inspection and penalties therefore the shortage of funds  to acquire brand machines and other safely devices also remain a great problem  Some companies run short  of much needed money to purchase these and so as an alternative they try to acquire second hand machineries and safety devices which can’t last long period of working times and that is no 100% guarantee on its safety.  More so, industries lack the money to pay professional who will be employed to service and maintain the machine/ safety devices as use warrants.


The following listed below have been considered as the objective of this prices of work.

  1. To suggest and recommend ways of reducing or out righting eliminating specific hazard and unsafe environment characteristic
  2. Ro find out the cause of industrial accidents in premier breweries PLC Onitsha.
  3. To serve as a base for future research on industrial accident in the brewery.
  4. To highlight on the relationship between specific employees and environment characteristic and accidents behavior

To aid the successful completion of the study, the following research questions were formulated by the researcher

  1. Is there any relationship between environmental characteristics and accident behavior?
  2. Is there any impact of environmental factors in the industrial accidents of a specific employee?
  • Are there possible ways of reducing industrial hazard?
  1. Are there ways of cubing industrial hazards in breweries industry?

It is believed that at the completion of the study, the findings will be of great importance to the management of breweries industries in Onitsha and Nigeria at large as the findings in geared towards ascertaining and eliminating if possible the causes of industrial accidents, the study will also be of importance to the employee of the organizations as the study seek to remind them of the benefit of being safety conscious. The study will serve as a wakeup call to government so that adequate policies will be formulated and implemented to ensure efficiency and effectiveness by the management of breweries in implementing and ensuring employee’s welfare in the sector.


The scope of the study covers management of employee’s welfare with emphasis on industrial accidents and safety on premier breweries Plc Onitsha. In the cause of the study, there were some factors which limited the scope of the study;

Staff Reluctance: In most cases the staffs of Premier breweries Plc Onitsha often feels reluctance over providing required information required by the researcher. This result in finding information where the structured questionnaires could not point out.

Researcher’s Commitment: The researcher, being of full time student spent most of her time on other academic activities such as test, class work, assignment, examination etc which takes average focus from this study.

Inadequate Materials: Scarcity of material is also another hindrance. The researcher finds it difficult to long hands in several required material which could contribute immensely to the success of this research work.



These are sudden violent bursts of materials such as gases or very hot objectives.


Stage where workers performance is less than what is expected sequel to in efficiency and improper attitude to work.


These factors are caused of accidents attributable to human beings


Rough play which could result to an injury or accident to a worker.


Process where the work environment is kept free of infectious disease and dirt the that might arise from the nature of work.


Certain disease that are inherent in certain jobs and are likely to affect the health of persons at work place.


Statement made by the organization in simple from explaining the intention of management and indicating all  major safety programmes  measures available stipulating how the employer and employee can ensure adequate safety.


Process of creating a work situation in which the efficiency and effectiveness of man and machine are maximized


This act are due to actions taken by a person without due regard for his safety or that of his colleagues.


These accidents might result to loss of part of the body or even total loss (Death) to work.




Gummer J.S (1987) Protection From Accident and Noise Personnel Executive

(Badan;) Long Man Nigeria Vol 3

Emiola A (1979) Nigeria Labour Lwa Ibadan; University Press Vol 1

Geld W.O (1988) Legal Aspect of Industrial Safety Hand Book on Industrial

Safety New York Hasper and Row

Akpabo E (1986) Protecting Industrial  Workers Against Health  Hazards;

Business Time; Oxford Press; P 18

Blake R.P (1987) Industrial Safety; South African; African- Feb Publisher; 3rd


Blake R.P (1988) Industrial Safety; South African; African- Feb Publisher; 4rd


This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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