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This study was on knowledge and perception of teenage pregnancy among secondary school students. Three objectives were raised which included: To find out the causes of teenage pregnancy among senior secondary school students, to find out whether teenage pregnancy result in school dropout among senior secondary school students and to investigate whether parents and guidance failure to educate their children on sex education cause teenage pregnancy. The total population for the study is 75 selected secondary schools in Nyanya, Abuja. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies. The study recommended that Sensitization programs should be initiated by relevant bodies to educate the populace on the impact of teenage pregnancies


Chapter one


1.1Background of the study

Teenage pregnancies and teenage motherhood are a cause for concern worldwide. According to, the vast majority of teenage pregnancies occur in low and middle income countries characterized by poor health care services therefore, complication during pregnancy birth and postpartum phase i.e. 42 days after births are the second cause of death among girls aging between 13 and 19 years worldwide. Although in traditional societies enormous risk which is associated with teenage pregnancy, such as, school dropout and complications during delivery or after delivery. Adolescent pregnancy is a major public health problem, particularly in Africa (Habitu YA, 2017)

It has contributed to maternal and child morbidity and mortality and affects the socio-economic development of a country. It is also linked to an increased risk of adverse pregnancy and childbirth outcomes compared to older women. More than 70,000 adolescent girls die every year because of these complications mainly in rural countries. Most maternal and child morbidity and mortality are related to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, infections, low birth weight, and preterm delivery. The highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the world 143 per 1,000 girls aged 13–19 years is in sub-Saharan Africa. Women in Africa, in general, get married at a much younger age than women in other countries leading to earlier pregnancies (Jonas K, 2016)

In Nigeria, according to the Health and Demographic Survey in 2015, 47% of women were married before the age of 15, and 87% before the age of 18. Also, 53% of those surveyed had given birth to a child before the age of 18. African countries have the highest rates of teenage birth (2002) According to data from World Bank, as of 2015, the highest incidence of births among 13- to 19-year-old girls was in Niger, Mali, Angola, Guinea, and Mozambique (Ochen AM,2019)

It has been observed that teenage is one of the major causes of morbidity rates among girls due to increased rate of abortion, obstructed labour, high blood pressure, bleeding during delivering, child abuse, anaemia, frustration, depression and emotional stress, both in communities and developing countries. Majority of teenage pregnancy cases are reported in low-middle-income countries such as Nigeria. Adequate knowledge and awareness of teenage pregnancy and associated behaviours could go a long way in curbing the occurrence of teenage pregnancy and improving the livelihood of young adults in the country (Gunawardena, 2019)

Statement of the problem

With the changes in our society, Teenagers who are supported to be called innocent now take part in sexual activities like adults. Unfortunately, the result now becomes the problem of herself, her parents, the society and even the unborn child. The problems of this study are:

–  Does teenage pregnancy result in school dropout and constitute socio-economic menace?

–   Are teenagers still shy and frightened to seek information about contraceptives?

– Do teenage mothers still see the need for further studies/education?

– Do parents and guidance fail to motivate and advice their teens?

Objective of the study

The objectives of the study are;

  1. To find out the causes of teenage pregnancy among senior secondary school students
  2. To find out whether teenage pregnancy result in school dropout among senior secondary school students
  3. To investigate whether parents and guidance failure to educate their children on sex education cause teenage pregnancy

Research question

The following research questions were formulated

  1. What are the causes of teenage pregnancy among senior secondary school students?
  2. Does teenage pregnancy result in school dropout among senior secondary school students?
  3. Does parents and guidance failure to educate their children on sex education cause teenage pregnancy?

Research hypotheses

The following research hypotheses were formulated;

H0: there no causes of teenage pregnancy among senior secondary school students

H1: there are causes of teenage pregnancy among senior secondary school students

H0: teenage pregnancy do not result in school dropout among senior secondary school students

H2: teenage pregnancy result in school dropout among senior secondary school students

H0: parents and guidance failure to educate their children on sex education do not cause teenage pregnancy

H3: parents and guidance failure to educate their children on sex education cause teenage pregnancy

Significance of the study

This study will help to educate on the consequences of early pregnancy, on educational attainment and also the significant negative emotional and social consequences of sexual activities leading to teenage pregnancy in order for the following persons/groups to benefit.

–   Future mothers who would want to enjoy their family through this study would abstain from sex in order not to destroy their future.

– Parents of these teens would benefit by excluding shame or ridicule by friends.

–  The society is also in the position to benefit due to the fact that the society would be made up of planned children who are needed and reduces population.

–  The school authorities would have more students to educate with more zeal and seriousness

– Teenagers would escape unwanted pregnancy, STD, shame and safeguard their future.

– The future generation and unborn babies would be born into a planned, organized and prepared environment

–   The study will also serve as a reference to other researcher that will embark on the related topic

Scope of the study

The scope of the study covers knowledge and perception of teenage pregnancy among senior secondary school students. The study will be limited to selected secondary schools in Nyanya, Abuja

Limitation of the study

The challenges encountered in this study include:

  1. Reluctance of respondents to disclose information,
  2. Distance and area to cover within limited period of time could be a little bit difficult.

In addition, the study faced some challenges in the area of time allotted for its completion. Materials and financial resources also created some problems since the researchers could not have raised much fund for the conduct of the research being students.

Definition of terms

Knowledge: facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

Perception: Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the presented information or environment. All perception involves signals that go through the nervous system, which in turn result from physical or chemical stimulation of the sensory system

Teenage: denoting a person between 13 and 19 years old.

Pregnancy: Pregnancy is the term used to describe the period in which a fetus develops inside a woman’s womb or uterus. Pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks, or just over 9 months, as measured from the last menstrual period to delivery. Health care providers refer to three segments of pregnancy, called trimesters

Teenage pregnancy: Teenage pregnancy, also known as adolescent pregnancy, is pregnancy in a female under the age of 20, according to the WHO. Pregnancy can occur with sexual intercourse after the start of ovulation, which can be before the first menstrual period (menarche) but usually occurs after the onset of periods.

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