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The study investigates Influence of ICT tools on the teaching effectiveness of wood and metal work in some selected junior secondary school. Information communication technology (ICT) has no doubt changed the face of teaching and learning globally. The study observed that, though SOME Junior secondary school is also making efforts to join the ICT fray, these efforts appear to be ineffective. Secondary Schools still experience a lag in its implementation due to general neglect and other factors, comprising corruption etc, and this continues to be the major challenge facing access to ICT-driven instructional aids facilities in most secondary schools. The study concludes that despite the roles ICT can play in on the teaching of wood and metal work, Schools are yet to extensively adopt them for teaching and learning. Efforts geared towards integration of ICT into the school system have not had much impact. Problems such as lack of Teachers’ Professional knowledge and technical know-how and poor information infrastructure militate against these efforts. The study recommends that efforts should be made by government to post and provide teachers skilled in ICTs to each school as to impact ICT skills to the students.





1.1 Background of the study

Technical Education is a comprehensive term referring to those processes involving, in addition to general education, the study of technologies and related sciences and the acquisition of practical skills, attitudes, understanding and knowledge relating to occupations in various sectors of economic and social life (FRN,2004). The goals of technical education are to provide the technical knowledge and vocational skills necessary for agricultural, industrial, commercial and economic development of the nation (FRN, 2004). By the above definition and goals, technical education becomes one of the most important paths for the realization of the industrial, agricultural and economic development of the nation.


Poor academic performance of students generally has attracted the attention of educationists and researchers as a major problem to science and technological development in Nigeria. Similarly, Ezeliora ( 2003) asserted that science and technology education have recorded poor academic performance of students in various courses or subjects at most of the levels of our educational system over the years. In view of these deteriorating trends in the performance of students generally in schools and colleges in the sciences, technology and mathematics courses, there is no doubt that, the situation needs urgent attention.


With the advances in technology and the advent of computerization and digitalization, various methods of instruction have been devised and used in teaching and learning to solve most instructional problems in developed countries. Though, in Nigeria, most of these innovations are yet to be fully employed in most institutions. Computers ease instructional problems and can be exploited to enhance teaching and learning in all schools. This is an area where an array of promising technological and educational development is currently emerging (Wajiga, 2006). Research indicate that ICT can change the teaching and it is especially useful in supporting student centered approaches to instruction, developing the higher order skills and promoting collaborative activities (Haddad, 2003). Recognizing the importance of ICT in teaching and learning, majority of the countries in the world have provided ICT teacher training in a variety of forms. Several efforts have been made by many countries to train teachers for effective use of computer as a tool for enhancing teaching and learning (Uko & Ebute, 2013). While Ibrahim (2012) further disclosed that computer is important in educational setting. The major importance include motivation, transformation of abstract idea to reality, facilitate understanding and comprehension of the subject matter and facts, address the needs of the users, thereby, making learners to learn on their own rate. Supporting this fact, Kara and Yakar ( 2009) observed that, Computer-Assisted Teaching do not only improve success but also develop higher level thinking abilities in students’ learning.


Teaching and learning of technical subjects especially Metalwork Technology continue to suffer as a result of over dependence on lecture method alone. It is essential technical education teachers devise other means by which knowledge and skills could be imparted to learners taking the advantage of modern technologies. This is the concern of this study.

  • Statement of the Problems

Obviously, there is a rapid increase in the implementation of ICT tools in so many sectors of the nation and globe. This rapid increase of computer (ICT) usage points to the needs of improving the literacy of students especially in their secondary school education level. Problems and challenges faced by secondary education without the help of the tools of ICT are therefore numerous.

Prior to the present century where the advance of Information communication Technology has taking the lead in reducing the stress of human beings especially students, people suffer in educational researches and productivity. Meanwhile, one could have just logged into an information search website ( to update him or herself with whatsoever research information he or she seeks if one is ICT equipped. Our students are faced with High stress and cost of Information search and retrieval in the offline library system (OLS) where no computer exists. Consequently, the time it will take a secondary school researcher to conduct his or her research in the offline mode tends to a period of 1 to 2 years.

Furthermore, the processing of student’s results manually has been the major challenge faced by form teachers of our secondary schools which cumulate to poor students’ result management.

Lots of files are also being misplaced through the manual record system used in our secondary schools instead of the Database Management System (DBMS) which has the ability to store and retrieve data in an automated form with access authentication and low redundancy functionality. These summed up to the reason why the researcher embarked on this research work “Impact of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on secondary school education” in order to expose and justify the impact of ICT on secondary schools in Anambra state and procure viable recommendations to evoke the responses of the three tiers of government to equip our secondary schools with ICT-Driven education technological tools such as; E-Library, Computer Laboratory, Online Research Center, Projectors etc.

  • Objective of the Study

The main objective of this study is to examine Influence of ICT tools on the teaching effectiveness of wood and metal work in some selected junior secondary school

The specific objectives of the  study is to verify or find out:

  1. The extent to which computer is needed in planning and implementing educational programs in wood and metal work
  2. The extent to which computer enhances the quality of teaching wood and metal work
  3. The usefulness of computer in school administration
  4. The problems associated with the use of computer by Junior secondary school students
  5. The negative effect of computer usage in instruction and learning teaching wood and metal work
  6. The academic impact of computer on secondary school students

1.4 Significance of Study

This research “wood and metal work” is quite significant in that there is need to improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools within Anambra State using as a reference point. Therefore, the significance of this study can be channeled thus;

To Teachers

The use of various ICT-based software and Computer Based tutoring programs can aid the teachers in teaching the students and also aid them in student’s assessment and testing.

To Parents

The joy of every parent is to see the child perform wonderfully well both in school and at home. Since ICT tool can positively aid students’ learning outcome, it will foster the happiness and wellbeing of the parents at home. This study can also influence the ICT literacy level of parents at home since they would want to procure ICT tools for the student’s practice at home thereby having computers installed and used at home.

To students

ICT knowledge and computer education will help the child to be literate otherwise informed and belong to this present innovative and ICT-driven society. It will also help him to be equipped for the future challenges envisaged in the digitized future century. Hence, the child will be able to fit in appropriately into our highly, dynamic and enthusiastic modern world. It will also help the teachers to develop online libraries through which useful educational books and materials can be accessed using the internet. The students will also be exposed to the uses of computer for information search and retrieval using the e-library or the internet (Cyber Cafe) which will foster their level of information literacy.

To school Administration

ICT is presently useful in administrative settings. Since the computer was designed to make our Job easier and lighter, its use and efficacy in administrative job execution is numerous ranging from teacher’s salary schedule computation to result computing system which drastically reduces the sufferings of the teachers and administrators.

To curriculum planners

ICT is presently a useful tool in promoting and enhancing qualitative curriculum planning. ICT tools are being used to determine the best input for the students so as to aid a reasonable learning outcome which will enhance the realization of the purpose and goal of education.

1.5 Scope of Research

This research work “wood and metal work” is limited to the three selected schools in Anambra state

1.6 Research Hypotheses

H0: there is no usefulness of computer in school administration in the selected secondary schools

H0: There are negative effect of computer usage in instruction, learning and teaching wood and metal work

1.7 Research Questions

1 to what extent do computer needed in planning and implementing educational programs in wood and metal work?

  1. To what extent to do computer enhances the quality of teaching wood and metal work?
  2. What are the usefulness of computer in school administration?
  3. What are the problems associated with the use of computer by junior secondary school students?
  4. What are the negative effect of computer usage in instruction and learning teaching wood and metal work?
  5. The academic impact of computer on secondary school students

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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