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One of the significant difficulties of a construction project is poor communication and project failure is directly connected to it as it is considered as one the principle challenges in the Construction Industry. All the various stages of construction rely on professionals transferring appropriate  and  relevant  information  to  develop  a  buildable  design  that  meets  the  client’s requirements. Information in the form of drawings, specifications and construction methods must be communicated from one expert to another. Therefore, using an appropriate communication method and communication medium to resolve construction and design problems is essential. This research however assessed the impact of ineffective communication on the delivery of construction projects in Abuja, with a view to proposing strategies for improving communication. Quantitative research method with the use of questionnaire was adopted for the study. Information needed was supplied by quantity surveyors, builders, engineers and architects working with construction firms in Abuja handling various projects and which are registered with the Federation of Construction Industry (FOCI). There are presently 25 registered construction firms of which 3 questionnaires were administered to each of these 25 firms making a total of 75 and a total of 40 were retrieved giving a total of 53.33% response rate which was deemed adequate for the conduct of the research, however more would have been retrieved but for the effect of the pandemic lockdown. Analysis of data was carried out using Mean Item Score (MIS) and Relative Importance Index (RII). Results of the study revealed that the most effective channels of communication used by professionals range from Face to face/Oral conversations (RII = 0.95) to Maintenance Training (RII = 0.83). The most important cause of poor communication on construction projects range from Poor feedback (RII = 0.89) to Lack of training (RII = 0.82). The influence of poor communication on the cost (MIS = 3.80-4.55), time (MIS = 3.83-4.50) and quality (MIS = 3.53-4.25) delivery of construction projects is significant. The identified strategies for improving communication in construction projects are effective. It was concluded that ineffective communication has negative impact on project delivery. Therefore effective communication should be carried out all through the life cycle of the construction process which will lead to a positive outcome of the objectives of the project and the importance of these will further improve on: contractual relationship skill, payment and award skill, planning, scheduling of project delivery within budgeted time and cost, productivity of construction materials and machine, health and safety communication and records.


1.1       Background of the Study


The Construction Industry assumes a significant part towards the social and financial improvement of nations around the world (Abdulateef et. al., 2017). Nonetheless, it is loaded with intricacies and difficulties. Individuals from various societies and professions team up in various ways to arrive at the fundamental objective of a projects successful outcome (Yaser & Abdulrahman, 2018). One of the significant difficulties of a construction project is poorcommunication and project failure is straightforwardly connected to it as it is considered as one the principle challenges in the Construction Industry (Peter, 2016). Communication is a fundamental interaction that involves the exchange of data between the sender and the recipient through a medium, this cycle is viewed as fruitful when the recipient comprehends the message and supplies the sender with an ideal and suitable response (Fred, 2017). The interaction is dynamic, complex and contains numerous shareholders and investors contribution and some professionals will most likely be unable to comprehend parts of a project if little data is accessible in this manner prompting project disappointment. Ineffectivecommunication framework prompts de-inspired labor force, design mistakes and lull in the whole work (Tipli et. al.,2014).

Effectivecommunication is sought for all through the life cycle of a project as its job in project achievement can’t be downplayed. Its abilities are crucial to accomplish successful communication as specialized abilities and experience alone are not adequate (Gunhan, 2012). As indicated by Project management institute (PMI) effective Communication is often the foundation of successful projects as it can unite team members and stakeholders to a projects strategy, objectives and budget. It can also enable everyone involved in the project to understand his or her roles which may make them more likely to support the project because without an effective and sufficient communication plan it is impossible to keep all responsible parties up to date on the changing status of the project, theres lack of transparency which eventually leads to inefficient, counterproductive decisions that will hinder the aims of the project in question but with effective communication in place it is easy to maintain transparency all through the project life cycle and the best decisions are made which translates into efficient project delivery. Also without effective communication, projects can incur more risk and fail to meet desired outcomes and further research by (PMI) revealed that among companies with highly effective communication 80% of projects met their goals, compared to a 52% success rate for those with minimally effective communication. The more effective communicators enjoyed much higher rates of on-time and on-budget performance as well (72% vs. 37% and 76% vs. 48%, respectively). Therefore organisations who take steps to improve project communication can reap the benefits of more successful projects, which is especially important in this complex and competitive global business environment.

1.2 Statement of the Research Problem

The Nigerian construction industry has suffered many setbacks in term of completion of the projects at stipulated period and within the predetermined sum and quality. Lack of effective communication between project stakeholders is one of the major causes of delay which results in abandonment of project in Nigerian construction projects (Kasimu & Usman, 2018). Poor communication between project participants such as the client and contractor is one of the factors that affect the working efficiency and it is the reason for relatively low productivity of the construction industry (Phang et al.,2017). The problem of communication within a project environment leads to severe misunderstanding between client and contractor and this affects the execution of the project leading to costs overruns, time overruns, dispute and project disappointment and it was demonstrated that poorcommunication prompts unfruitful results (Yaser & Abdulrahman, 2018). Managers and organizations operating in the construction industry are required to clearly understand the impacts of ineffective communication and take the necessary actions to improve the communication process in their projects.

Past Investigations on communicationmanagement have been attempted in the following areas of communication: Role of communication (Olaniyan, 2015); issue of communication in the Construction Industry (Justus et al., 2016); An outline of projectcommunicationmanagement in construction industry projects (Hala & Ogbebor, 2017); Difficulties of communication (Ishaq, 2018); Identification of circumstances and end results of poorcommunication in construction industry (Ismail et al., 2018); Causes and effect of poorcommunication in the Construction Industry (Ayman & Mamoud, 2018); Role of communication in leading a fruitful global project (Le Bui, 2019). These researches have howevernot been able to determine the impact of ineffectivecommunication on the delivery of construction projects as a way of identifying improvement strategies. This comprises a gap that this researchseeks to fill to address the research problem. This study subsequently assessed the impact of communicationon the delivery of construction projects in Abuja, Nigeria with aviewto proposing strategies for improving communication on projects.

1.3       Research Questions

In view of the research problem identified, the study will answer the following questions:

i.          What are the various communication channels in use by professionals on construction projects and how effective are they?

ii.        What are the causes of poor communication on construction projects?

iii.       What is the influence of poor communication on the cost, time and quality delivery of construction projects?

iv.   What are the strategies for improving communication in construction projects?

1.4       Aim and Objectives

The aim of this study is to assess the impact of ineffective communication on the delivery of construction projects in Abuja, with a view to proposing strategies for improving communication on projects and on site. To achieve this aim, the following objectives were pursued:

i.          To Identify and examine the effectiveness of various communication channels in use by professionals on construction projects in Abuja, Nigeria.

ii.        To identify and ascertain the causes of poor communication on construction projects in

Abuja, Nigeria.

iii.        To determine the influence of ineffective communication on the cost, time and quality delivery of construction projects in Abuja, Nigeria.

iv.       To propose strategies for improving communication in construction projects.

1.5       Justification for the Study

In the construction industry, project information is extensively and inclusively exchanged throughout the duration of project planning and executing. PMI (2016) indicated that 55% of project managers identifies effective communication as the main pivotal factor for project success. Therefore, it is a major need to manage and coordinate the exchange of this information among participants and also to improve communication in the construction industry to increase innovation and positive decision making in order to avoid misunderstanding that causes conflicts of incorrect messages exchanged that result in project failure.

Therefore this study seeks to propose strategies to aid improvement of communication in the construction industry and also to provide a reliable local source of literature for further studies on the concepts of project communication management and project delivery. The study will also benefit all players within the construction industry by enhancing their understanding of the interrelationship of soft factors like project communication as prerequisites to achieving envisaged project outcomes.

1.6       Scope of the Study

This studyconcentrated principally on proposing improvement strategies to the impacts of poorcommunicationmanagement on construction project delivery in Abuja, Nigeria. The Construction Industry contains all players (contractors, consultants and clients) engaged with the construction of both roads and buildings. This study however focused on the players within the building sector which are the Builders, Architects and Quantity surveyors and this is on the grounds that they are the most engaged in the construction process and communicationexchange on site. Consequently, this investigation covered construction firms in Abuja enrolled with the ZFederation of Construction Industry (FOCI).

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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