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The  “Effectiveness  of  Audit  Report  on  Improvement  of  Financial  Management  in Nigeria Federal Parastatals  with emphasis  on the educational  system  in  Nigeria.  The study aims at determining or examining the effectiveness of audit report in improvement of financial management in the Federal Parastatals particularly the Educational System in Nigeria. It is thus set out to achieve objectives among which are; (i) to identify the major challenges confronting auditors from giving effective  audit reports (ii) to examine the extent to which auditors independence  is  infringed upon by the hospitality or public relation practices of some Parastatal of Federal Ministry of Education. It also set out to answer  research  questions  including  (i)  what  are  the  major  challenges  confronting auditor from giving effective reports to the Federal Parastatals in Education Sector in Nigeria (ii) what is the extent to which auditors independence is infringed upon by the hospitality or public relation. To properly guide the work, four research hypotheses were formulated:  (i)  wrong  choice  of  audit  firm,  audit  fees,  lack  of  independence  and registering  of  audit  firms  under  different  names  constitute  the  major   challenges confronting   auditors  in  effective  audit  reports,  (ii)  non  disclosures   of  classified information  available  to  the  auditors  of Federal  Parastatals  in  Education  Sectors  in Nigeria in their audit report significantly affects the effectiveness of this report among others. The survey research design was adopted in this study. The primary source of data was  employed  and  the  instrument  of  data   collection  was  the  questionnaire.  The population of the study is made up accounting officers, internal audit staff and other staff of the studied parastatals. The Taro Yamane’s   formula was used in selecting the sample size 476. The respondents was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Specifically,  the  hypothesis  was  tested  using  chi-square,  multiple  linear  regressions, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). These were done through the application of the computer based statistical package  for social  sciences  (SPSS)  version  17.0  software.  The  major  findings  of  this  research includes normal or symmetrically distributed (Z = 1.250, p < 0.05) information from the Auditors of the federal parastatals that Wrong choice of audit firm, Audit Fees, Lack of Independence and Registering of Audit Firms Under Different Names, all constitute the major challenges confronting auditors in giving  effective audit reports and normal or symmetrically  distributed  (Z  =  1.869,  p  <  0.05)  information  from  the  Accounting Officers  &  other  staff  of  the  federal  parastatals  that    Non-disclosure  of  classified information  available to the  auditors  of federal  parastatals  in the education sector in Nigeria  in their  audit  reports  significantly  affects  the  effectiveness  of  these  reports, among  others.  The  study concluded  that  management  of  public  fund  at  the  various Federal Parastatals in Education Sector in Nigeria is weak. It is therefore recommended that  government  of Nigeria should  establish a supervisory body in auditing specially meant for monitoring and controlling the finances of its parastatals.



1.1 Background of the Study

Proper   financial  management   and  accountability   over  public   funds   is  a   central component  of  good  governance.  Public  funds  are  meant  to  be used  effectively  and efficiently to ensure that citizens are receiving the quality services for which the public funds  have  been  allocated  (Okoh  and  Ohwoyibo,  2010).  The  bane  of public  sector financial mismanagement  in Nigeria since the oil boom  years, (a period under which there existed structurally weak control mechanism), have created a variety of loopholes that have facilitated geometrically and sustained corrupt practices in the country up till date. The plague has diffused  itself into  all  parts of the country:  private  and public business places.

As a watchdog  for government  throughout  all its parastatals,  departments  for internal  auditors  whose primary concern  is to  critique  the books  of accounts  of the parastatals and constantly report to the senate about the financial state of the corporations or parastatals were set up.

The main objectives of auditors of Ministries/Departments  or parastatals are  to ascertain whether: (a) All receipts of public money emanating from the operations of the period under review are collected and properly accounted for; (b) The accounting system in operation provides financial information that is reliable and free from material errors to facilitate the preparation of the accounting and financial statements required by law.

The audit of business accounts did not just become common today but in  the nineteenth century. The enormous increase in trade in that period, which was fostered by the  discovery  of  steam  power  and  by  mechanical  inventions,  generally  led  to  the formation  of  numerous  joint  stock  companies,  and  other   corporate  undertakings, involving the use of large sums of capital under the management of a few  individuals (Akpomi & Amesi, 2009). Under these conditions, the advantages to be obtained from utilizing the services of auditors became apparent to the public  generally, and a great increase in the practice of auditing resulted; as the present day forms the most important part  of  a  professional  accountant’s  practice  (Walter,   2009).  With  the  increasing complexities in both public and private sectors, the duties of auditors became heightened. These complexities were met with ostensible corruption, a major feature of developing economies  thereby  threatening  the   independence,   integrity  and  objectivity  of  the auditors. As a result of the increase in the level of business activities, both in the public and private sectors,  it  is now required by statute that activities of governmental  and corporate business  organizations be audited. The implication of this requirement  is to ensure that those entrusted with funds are held accountable. Auditing therefore ensures that accounts and records of organization show a true and fair view. Auditors do this by thorough examination of the books of accounts of businesses and to confirm  whether there is appropriate approval and authorization for every transaction.

If auditors are not competent especially in bringing their skills to bear in a corrupt environment,  then the whole audit process is of no value. In Nigeria,  as  well as the developed countries, Chartered Accountants in practice (Auditors) are seen as competent but a number  of recent  events  including  corruption  and failures  of some banks and companies have given rise to doubts in the minds of the business community (private and public sectors). An interesting idea put forward by Abadi (2005), is that competence is constantly being improved but at the same time  economics  has dictated that the time spent on auditing is constantly being reduced even though modern laws, in accounting systems and structure are steadily becoming more complex. It is against this backdrop that this study is undertaken to find the extent to which the reports of the auditors can help improve financial management at the Nigeria federal parastatals

1.2 Statement of Research Problem

The phenomenon of corruption, public funds misappropriation,  looting and  scandalous events have deeply engulfed  the country since the early 1980s and has  persisted  and resisted  all  solutions  crafted  by successive  governments,  thus  turning  into  a  hydra- headed  monster  so  characterised  of national  terror  impeding economic  development. Under Section 85(5) of the 1999 Constitution, the Auditor-General for the federation is required within ninety days of the receipt of Accountant General’s financial statement to submit copies of the accounts of the federation signed by the Accountant-General to the National Assembly together with a certificate of audit and a report upon his examination and audit of all accounts relating to public funds.

The problem however, is that in spite of this regular audit exercise expected  to cover  even  government  parastatals,  there  remains  a high level of inefficiency  in  the management of public funds in Nigeria. This study identified the problem of high level of inefficiency in the management of public funds despite regular audit reports, and this has  led  to  the  collapse  of  several  governmental   parastatals   in   Nigeria  such  as NITEL, NEPA, NRC, and NCC. It is thus aimed at examining the effectiveness of audit reports on government parastatals in the education sector in enhancing efficiency in the management of public fund.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of audit report on the improvement of financial management in Nigerian federal parastatals, in the educational sector. However the specific objectives are:

1.   To identify the major challenges  confronting  auditors from giving effective  audit reports on the federal parastatals in the educational sector in Nigeria.

2.   To examine  the extent  to  which  auditors  independence  is infringed  upon by  the hospitality or public relations  practices  of the federal parastatals  in the  education sector.

3.   To assess the level of significance of classified information available to the auditors but not disclosed in their final reports on the parastatals in the education sector.

4.   To examine the level of significant of the gap between public expectation and content of the auditor’s report on the parastatals in the education sector.

1.4 Research Questions

1.    What  are  the  major  challenges  confronting  auditor  from  giving  effective  audit reports on the federal parastatal in the education sector in Nigeria?

2.    What  is  the  extent  to  which  auditors  independence  is  infringed  upon  by  the hospitality or public relations practices of the federal parastatals in the  education sector.

3.    What is the level of significant of classified information available to the auditors but not disclosed in their final report on the parastatal in the education sector.

4.    What is the level of significance of the gap between public expectation and actual content of auditors’ report on the parastatals in the education sector in Nigeria.

1.5  Research Hypotheses

1.   Wrong choice of audit firm, audit fess, lack of independence and registering of audit  firms  under  different  names  do  not  constitute  the  major   challenges confronting auditors in grouping effective audit reports.

2.   Hospitality and public relations practices of federal parastatals in the  education sector in Nigeria do not significantly infringes upon the independence of auditors of these parastatals.

3.   Non-disclosure  of  classified  information  available  to  the  auditors  of  federal parastatals  in  the  education  sector  in  Nigeria  in  their  audit  reports  do  not significantly affects the effectiveness of these reports.

4.   There is no significant gap between the public expectation and actual content of the audit reports on the federal parastatals in the education sector in Nigeria.

1.6  Scope of the Study

In terms of capacity and the extent of coverage in this study, three federal parastatals in the education sector were covered with their headquarters in Abuja these  include: The Joint  Admission  &  Matriculation  Board  [JAMB];  National  University  Commission [NUC]; and the National Mathematical Centre [NMC]. The study though, exhaustively reviewed many related extant journal publications so as to identify the gaps to be bridged for essence of knowledge contribution, shall last for a minimum period of six months. All  research  activities  in  terms  of  the  pre-study  survey,  the  actual  survey  –  data collection,  sorting  and  analysis,  and  reporting  were  all managed  within the  forecast duration.

1.7 Significance of the Study

This study is of importance to the following classes of beneficiaries.

Internal Auditors

This study is of significant  paramount  importance to the internal and  external auditors at both federal and state government parastatals in Nigeria. It shall help to urge them (the auditors) of the better way to render their professional duties despite  the  challenges  they  might  be  facing  in  carrying  their  basic  auditing functions.

Government Agencies

Another important significance of this study is that, government agencies who are responsible for overseeing the activities of public or government institutions can make use of the outcome of this type of work for policy formulation purposes.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Pressure Groups

Non  Governmental  Organization  (NGOs)  as  well  as  Pressure  Groups  like Nigerian  Labour  Congress  (NLC) are not exempted  from benefiting  from the findings of this type of study. The NGOs may find the outcome  of the study useful for their researches  on national development  while the  pressure groups (particularly those government  workers at the parastatals  studied) on the other hand  can be brought  to the light of the statutory  duties of different  types of auditors  so  that  their  expectations  will  not  continue  to be misconstrued  with auditors’ mere declaration of the true and fair view of the parastatals’ financial statements.


Finally, researchers cannot but benefit from the outcome of this proposed study especially those authors whose studies shall be improved upon as well as those in academic who may wish to carry out similar study in the future.

1.8 Limitation of the Study

The  study was  limited  to  three  federal parastatals  in the  education  sector  in Nigeria to wit; JAMB, NUC and NMC. These parastatals have been chosen due to their role, scope of operation and proximity in location. The study was as well limited to the period of 2002 to 2013.

1.9 Definition of Terms

Audit & Auditing

Audit  is simply an evaluation  of a person,  organisation,  system,  process,  enterprise, project or product.

Auditing  is defined as a systematic and independent  examination of data,  statements, records, operations and performances (financial or otherwise) of an enterprise for a stated purpose.   The  auditor  perceives  and  recognizes   the   propositions   before  him   for examination,  collects  evidence,  evaluates  the  same  and  on this  basis  formulates  his judgment which is communicated through his audit report.

1.9.2   Audit Report

This is a formal opinion, or disclaimer thereof, issued by either an internal auditor or an independent  external auditor as a result of an internal or external audit or  evaluation performed on a legal entity or subdivision thereof (called an “auditee”).  The report is subsequently provided to a “user” (such as an individual, a group of persons, a company, a government, or even the general public, among others) as an assurance service in order for the user to make decisions based on the results of the  audit. An auditor’s report is considered an essential tool when reporting financial information to users, particularly in business.

1.9.3   Financial Management

The term ‘finance’ in its simplest form means the art or science of procuring and utilising funds or money while the term ‘management’  on the other hand means the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of an activity. Based on these,  the term financial management  however  means  the  procurement  and  utilization  of  funds  in  such  an efficient  and  effective  form  or  manner  so  as  to  accomplish  the  objectives  of  the organization.

1.9.4   Parastatal

This  is  any  government-owned  corporation,  state-owned  enterprise,  state  enterprise, government business enterprise, etc. In Nigeria, the Joint Admission and  Matriculation Board [JAMB], National Mathematical Centre [NMC], National University Commission [NUC] which are institutions proposed to be studied here  in  this study are all federal government parastatals.

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