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Conventional  chemotherapy  has  always  taken  a  prominent  place  in  dealing  with diseased  states;  but owing to their various side-effects,  natural products  that play similar therapeutic roles have become the thrust of much research work. Hence, this study sought to investigate the possible reasons for the use of honey in combating the human  male  reproductive  challenges.  It  also  investigated  the  probable  cause  of colicky pains following ingestion of honey.  Phytochemistry showed that the honey had   high  concentrations   of  simple   reducing   sugars,   saponins,   terpenoids   and potassium. Flavonoids, glycosides,  resins, proteins, steroids, calcium and vitamin C were in moderate concentrations; alkaloids, acidic compounds and magnesium were in low concentrations while tannins were not detected. A total of twelve (12) male rabbits of between nine and eleven months old with average body weight (b.wt.) of 1.0 ± 0.02 kg and mice (12) of about nine months old and average body weight of 27.1 ± 0.16 g were used. The rabbits were divided into four groups of three  each. Group 1 served as control, group 2 rabbits were treated with 2.5 ml/kg b.wt of honey, group 3 rabbits were treated with 5.0ml/kg b.wt of honey, and group 4 rabbits with

7.5 ml/kg b.wt of honey. Treatment lasted for 14 days. The control group  received only normal saline and normal rat feed. The activities of smooth muscles of prostate and  jejunum  of rabbits  fed  raw  honey was  compared  with those  of  prostate  and jejunum  smooth muscles of rabbits  that  were not given honey.  Administration  of honey brought about enhanced muscle activity in the jejunum smooth muscle of the experimental   rabbits   compared   with   the   control.   On   the   administration   of acetylcholine (2 µg and 4 µg, w/v) to the muscle segment in student organ bath, the activity was amplified  significantly (p<0.05)  in group 2 compared with that of the control group. The mid and high doses of honey, 5.0 and 7.5 ml/kg b.wt produced increased  cholinergic-elicited  contractions  compared  with  the  contraction  in  the control muscle but the low dose, 2.5 ml/kg b.wt produced more appreciable (p<0.05) modified smooth muscle activity. With a threshold dose of adrenaline (20 µg, w/v) in the organ  bath, the low honey dose of 2.5 ml/kg b.wt elicited significant  (p<0.05) reproducible  increase  in the adrenergic-induced  smooth  muscle  contraction  of  the prostate  muscle compared  with the control.  Compared  with the control  group, the modified  smooth muscle  contraction also  increased  significantly (p<0.05) with  the mid and high doses, 5.0 and 7.5 ml/kg b.wt in groups 3 and 4 respectively. The serum concentrations  of  some  electrolytes  implicated  in  smooth  muscle  activity  were determined. There was a non-significant (p>0.05) reduction in serum concentrations of zinc and magnesium  ions in the test groups relative  to  the control group. Ca2+ concentration  in the serum increased  non-significantly  (p>0.05)  in the test  groups when compared with the control group. Serum [K+] increased significantly (p<0.05) in the test group 1 relative to the control group. The variations in the other test groups compared  with  the  control  group  were  not  significant  (p>0.05).  The  superoxide dismutase,  prostatic  specific  antigen,  prostatic  acid  phosphatase  and  high-density lipoprotein cholesterol were non-significantly (p>0.05) reduced in groups 2, 3 and 4 compared with group 1. There were non-significant  variations in the levels of low- density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triacylglycerol in groups 2, 3 and 4 compared with group  1.  The  findings  show  that  consumption  of  raw  honey  in  relatively  small quantities  can modify the  behaviour  of the smooth  muscles,  leading  to  enhanced contractile responses. At low doses, the honey brought about stimulatory effect on the smooth  muscles  of  the  jejunum  and  the  prostate  of the  rabbit.  At  higher  doses, however the honey had inhibitory effect on the smooth muscle. The results show that honey facilitates luminal flow of the prostate fluid. The activation and amplification of the auto-rhythmic activity of jejunum may safely be responsible for the frequent and painful gut movements following honey intake.



Internal organs such as intestines, urinary bladder, stomach, blood vessels and uterus have smooth muscles. These muscles are described as “smooth” because they are not striated  as  the  skeletal  and  cardiac  muscles.  Smooth  muscles  are  innervated  by autonomic nervous system (Elenkov et al., 2000; Webb, 2003). The muscles develop different types of contractile responses namely, phasic and  tonic, depending on the prevailing  changes  in  load  or  length.  The  very  complex  prostate  gland  contains secretory elements and tubualveolar glands that are lined with smooth muscles. While the glandular elements help in secreting most constituents of the seminal fluids, the muscular elements help in ejaculation and micturition (White et al., 2013).  Smooth muscles maintain a consistent continuum from the mid gut to the anal portion of the alimentary canal (Sanders, 2008). Smooth muscles have a unique capacity to contract rhythmically for a  great  stretch of time. The length of the small intestines is about

6.9m. It has three portions: duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The entire length of the small  intestine  undergoes  spontaneous  motility  in  a  wave-like  pattern  under  the control of pacemaker cells. The GIT is replete with nerve fibres (Prins, 2011). Vagal and spinal primary afferent  nerves  innervate  the GIT viscera.  The GIT possesses intrinsic  enteric  nervous  system  which  contains  intrinsic  primary  neurons.  The neurons are specifically concerned with the gut motility and peristalsis (Akbar et al.,

2009). The afferent nerves are sensitive to chemical, mechanical and thermal stimuli. Contraction  of the smooth muscles  and secretions  are, however,  regulated  by the efferent nerve fibres. The fibres also control inflammatory and immune processes in the intestine (Gershon, 2005; Furness, 2007). Since these smooth muscles are richly innervated and the nerves are sensitive to different stimuli, it follows that certain food substances  that man  ingests  can elicit  various  muscular  responses.  The responses could have scores of implications for the health of the organism concerned.

The ability to contract rhythmically makes it possible for the gastrointestinal  tract (GIT)  organs  to  do  various  jobs.  These  jobs  include  the  movement,  storing  and mixing of the contents of the lumen with secretions of the GIT. The mixing facilitates proper breakdown  of food. Peristalsis  is a mechanism  mediated  in the gut by the smooth muscles. This mechanism moves food substances in their different stages of digestion through the gut for the optimal absorption of various small food molecules

across portions of the GIT. The removal of undigested food mass by the GIT is still a function of the contractile activities of the smooth muscles in the walls of the tract (Walker et al., 2008). Other roles include the release of urine by the urinary system, regulation  of  anal opening,  regulation  of  air  movement  through  the  lungs,  foetal expulsion, ejaculation of semen, regulation of blood flow in blood vessels, release of bile by the gall bladder and churning of food by the stomach walls among many other functions. Each of these roles is critical to  the life of man and other organisms of similar  musculature.  Anything  that can  preserve  the natural physiology of smooth muscles should be sought.

Honey is a viscous brown natural liquid produced by bees from nectars of flowers. There are many evidence-based health benefits ascribed to honey in recent years. This liquid is often consumed as food by man (Erejuwa et al., 2012). Some people take it alone while some others take it in a mixture with pap, tea or beverage drink. Honey is also   taken  as  medicine.   This  application   could   arise   from  its  phytochemical composition. The therapeutic applications of honey benefit so much from the phenolic compounds,  minerals  and  vitamins  found  in  it.  The  use  of  honey  is  becoming increasingly popular for human health promotion. Some of the phenolic compounds in honey  include:  galangin,  acacetin,  quercetin,  phenylethyl  ester,  kaempferol  and caffeic acid. These phenolics have promising uses in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases   (Khalil   and   Sulaiman,   2010).   Ascorbic   acid,   riboflavin,   niacin   and panthothenic acid are some of the vitamins usually found in honey. Minerals such as zinc, calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, iron, manganese and  magnesium are also found in honey (Bogdanov et al., 2008; Ajibola et al., 2012).

The purpose  of this study is to determine  the effect of raw honey on the  smooth muscles of rabbits. This was informed by the folkloric emetic effect of honey after ingestion, disturbing facilitated intestinal and bowel movement as well as the use of raw honey as base medium for traditional therapy for male sterility.

1.2       Muscles

Muscle is a tissue that has the ability to contract. It develops from the mesoderm of animal germ cells (Krause, 2005). There are three types of muscles namely: skeletal, cardiac  and smooth.  Each of these muscles has characteristic  structure,  contractile

features,   and  regulatory  mechanisms.   Muscles   are  generally   known  for   force generation which usually brings about motion (Booth and Wyman, 2008).   Muscles bring about the movement of body parts or the entire body of organisms. The muscles are mainly powered by fat and carbohydrate oxidation (Nelson and Cox, 2000). These metabolic processes generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecules for powering the contractile apparatus. There are over six hundred muscles in a human being each of which is served by nerves. The nerves connect each of the muscles to the brain and the spinal cord for co-ordination (Lateva et  al., 2002). Human physiological  needs demand that muscles accomplish different functions and as such, the body has been endowed by nature with three types of muscles.

1.2 Smooth Muscles

Smooth muscle does not have striations peculiar to the cardiac and skeletal muscles; hence,  the  smooth  muscle  is described  as smooth  (Sheerwood  et al.,  2012).  The contractile function of smooth muscle is under involuntary control. Sheets of smooth muscle cells are found in the walls of several organs and tubes in the body such as the blood vessels, stomach, intestines, bladder, respiratory tract, uterus, penile and clitoral cavernosal sinuses (Booth and Wyman, 2008). Smooth  muscle cells are of various lengths in different organs, from 20 µm in small blood vessels to 500 µm and 600 µm in the pregnant uterus. The shape of each smooth muscle cell is like a spindle, with a centrally  positioned  nucleus  (Krause,  2005).  These  muscles  in  the  blood  vessels regulate blood flow through and to vital organs. Smooth muscle in the digestive and urinary  systems,  forms  rings  called  sphincters  which  regulate  the  movement  of materials along internal passageways (Saladin, 2003). When smooth muscles occur in bundles, layers, or sheets, they play many important roles in the body. Those found around blood vessels regulate the flow of blood to the superficial dermis of the skin while smooth muscles of the arrector pili elevate hairs (Standring, 2008; Burgdorf et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2010; Morioka et al., 2011). In the heart circulatory system, the smooth muscle encircling the blood vessels helps in regulating blood distribution and pressure of blood flow. The diameters of the airways and the resistance to airflow are modified by the contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscle. Smooth muscle extends  throughout  the  layers  of  the  digestive  tract  for  peristaltic  movement  of materials in the lumen. The ejection of bile into  the GIT from the gall bladder is carried out by the smooth muscle wall. The rate of blood filtration in the kidneys is

altered by the activities of the smooth muscle tissue in the walls of the blood vessels. The smooth muscle in the walls of the ureters transports urine to the urinary bladder and the contractile function of the smooth muscle in the bladder forces urine out of the body via the urethra (Saladin, 2003; Fox, 2010). In the  males, smooth muscle layers in the reproductive system help to move sperm along the reproductive tubules. The  muscle  also  causes  release  of  secretions   from  accessory  glands  into  the reproductive  system.  Layers  of smooth  muscle  facilitate  the movement  of female gametes  along  the  reproductive  tract  in  females.  The  contractile  function  of  the

uterine smooth muscle expels foetus from the uterus at child delivery (Fox, 2010).

The smooth  muscle  bundles  at  hair  follicles  contract  to  make  the  hairs  erect  for homeostasis. The muscle bundles in the eye ball contract and relax to enable the lens make adjustments for accommodations (David, 2001). The contractile state of smooth muscle is under the control of autocrine and paracrine agents,  hormones and other local chemical signals (Webb, 2003). Mechanically, smooth muscle can be described as  phasic,  or  fast  contracting  and  tonic,  that  is,  slow  contracting.  Phasic  smooth muscle  has the unique features of relative rapid  rates of activation and relaxation forces. It also has a great actomyosin  ATPase activity.  The tonic smooth muscle, however, has relatively slow rates of activation and relaxation forces.  Its actomyosin ATPase  activity is slow (Rhee  and Brozovich,  2000). Changes  in load and length cause smooth muscle cells to respond with phasic and tonic contractions. Cross-bridge cycling  between  actin   and  myosin  generates  force  following  the  initiation  of

contraction by calcium ions (Ca2+) (Spudich, 2001; Andersson and Arner, 2004). To

sustain force generation,  Rho A/Rho kinase pathway inhibits dephosphorylation  of light  chain  by  myosin  phosphatase  following  a  Ca2+   sensitization  of  contractile proteins. The muscle relaxes when Ca2+ is withdrawn from the cytosol and when the myosin phosphatase activity is stimulated (Chitaley et al., 2001).

Smooth muscle can occur as single unit or multi-unit in various organs.  Rhythmic contractions  are  myogenic  in  single  muscles,  this  means  that  they  can  contract regularly without input from a motor neuron. They are neurogenic  in the multi-unit smooth muscles. The contraction of the multi-unit smooth muscle must be initiated by a motor  neuron.  While  single  unit  smooth  muscle  contracts in response  to  rapid stretch,  multi-unit  smooth  muscle  does  not  contract  as  such  (Sheerwood,  2010). Single  unit smooth  muscle  is  characterized by possession  of many gap  junctions which enable the entire muscle to contract at once. The multi-unit smooth muscles have fewer gap junctions. The multi-unit smooth muscle cells are so richly innervated that  individual cell can contract independently (Fox, 2010). Pacemaker cells in the single smooth muscles bring about spontaneous rhythmic contractions. Nerve activity and hormones can affect the contractile activity of the single unit  smooth muscles. Single unit smooth muscles are found in certain parts of the body, namely: intestinal tract, bladder, uterus and blood vessels. The multi-unit smooth muscles on the other hand,  are found  in lungs,  erectile  tissues  of  hair  follicle,  and  arteries.  Multi-unit smooth  muscles  have  motor  units  which  determine  the  response  of  the  smooth muscles. Other factors that influence their response are frequency of discharge in the fibres and the relative amount of excitatory and inhibitory input (Sheerwood, 2012).

1.3 Innervations of Some Smooth Muscles

The  innervations  of the  smooth  muscles  are  from  the autonomic  nervous  system (ANS).  The  nerves  originate  from  diverse  sources.  The  trachea  and  the  GIT  for example,  have  plexuses  of  intrinsic  nerves  which  are  tantamount  to  independent nervous system that control the smooth muscle activities in these organs. There are sensory and motor neurons as well as intermediate neurons in  these plexuses. The intrinsic  innervations  are  vital  for human  life.  This  is  because  should  there  be a damage or surgery on the central nervous system (CNS); the activities of the smooth muscle in these areas are not hampered. Smooth muscles generally, however, receive some inputs from the CNS in a way described as ‘extrinsic innervations’ (Philips and Powley, 2007). These inputs for  most smooth muscles could be opposing from the sympathetic and parasympathetic arms of the ANS (Fox, 2010). The intrinsic nervous system  does  the major  work in systems  where  it occurs  along with the extrinsic nervous system. There is no specialized connection between the nerve fibre and the muscle cell (Alpers et al., 2011).

The smooth muscle cells and nerve fibres are very closely situated. The nerve fibres release neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine from the varicosities in the fibres. The neurotransmitter covers a long distance but it can bind to any nearby smooth muscles (Burnstock, 2007). In the digestive system, sympathetic and  parasympathetic  nerve fibre divisions innervate the system. The parasympathetic control takes pre-eminence (Alpers  et  al.,  2011).  Smooth  muscle  contractions  and  relaxations  bring  about movements in the GIT. The GIT has an outer longitudinal smooth muscle layer, an inner circular smooth muscle layer, and  submucosal smooth muscle layer. Each of these layers is innervated with circular and longitudinal fibres. These fibres cause the movement of the villi of the mucosa. Mucosal epithelium lines the inner surface of the tract. The outer layer consists of serosa that is a continuum with the mesentery. The mesentery  contains blood vessels,  lymphatic  vessels and nerve fibres. In the brain stem is  located the CNS centres that regulate the digestive functions.  The sensory taste fibres from olfactory, tactile and gustatory receptors terminate on the cell bodies of the vagal motor and salivary nuclei. The state of the gut and its luminal content are communicated to the central autonomic system via the numerous afferent and sensory vagal nerve fibres. The parasympathetic outflow and motor centres of the brain stem are  both  influenced   by  the   higher   cortical  and  olfactory   centres.   While  the sympathetic system has a resultant inhibitory effect on digestive activities, secretion and motility, the parasympathetic system has stimulatory effect (Johnson, 2003). The effect of the sympathetic system is a  secondary function of vasoconstriction which deceases blood flow in the digestive tract. The GIT, especially the transverse colon, is innervated by the vagus nerve. The nerves include the efferent and afferent fibres. The extremities of the  GIT possess parasympathetic  nerves from the pelvic plexus. The stimulation of local neurons of the intrinsic, enteric nervous system in the wall of the gut  results   in  increased   digestive  activities.   This  stimulation   is  done  by  the parasympathetic  fibres (Prins,  2011). The two  sets of nerve plexi in the  intrinsic, enteric nervous system namely: submucosal Meisssner and myenteric Auerbach plexi affect the gut differently. While submucosal Meissner plexus regulates the digestive glands,  myenteric  Auerbach  plexus  regulates  gut  motility.  Motor  neurons  in  the myenteric plexus makes acetylcholine as well as substance P available (Brodal, 2010). The acetylcholine when bound to muscarinic receptors causes smooth muscles cells to contract (Thorp, 2008). The relaxation of these smooth muscle cells is brought about by vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)  and nitric oxide (NO) released by inhibitory

motor neurons. Food causes some tension in the gut wall to which stretch receptors respond.  These stretch receptors  have  connections  with sensory  neurons.  Mucosal chemoreceptors also have connections with the sensory neurons. The chemoreceptors detect the presence of various chemical substances  in the lumen of the gut. Short effector neurons promote digestive gland secretions and also induce the contraction of smooth muscles. The enormous neuronal connections make up the intrinsic, enteric nervous system that stems the brain influence on digestive functions. The systems of neurons and their supporting cells in the walls of the GIT, along with pancreas and gall bladder constitute enteric nervous system (ENS). This ENS is often described as the  little  brain  (Webb,  2003).  Gastrointestinal  tract  functions  such  as  motility, secretions and immune system and blood flow are regulated by the ENS. The  CNS plays its role on the GIT by sending messages through the two  components  of the extrinsic ANS: parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system; hence it modulates the GIT function. The CNS does not carry out total control on the GIT function (Serio et al., 2011). The GIT does the job of moving ingested materials as well as secreting digestive juices from the mouth to the  anus. The totality of the gut movement and nonpropulsive contractions of the gut are known as motility. This motility is under the modulation  of adrenergic  mechanisms  (Orlando, 2003). The sphincters in the GIT have adrenergic alpha1  receptors (α1-receptors). The stimulation of these α1-receptors leads to their contraction (Mills et al., 2008).

According  to Pennefather  et al., (2000),  prostatic  stroma  has much  noradrenergic innervations.  The stimulation of the noradrenergic  nerves  produces  contractions of prostate  smooth  muscles.  Guanethine  and  α1-adrenoceptor  antagonists  inhibit  the contractile  activity  of  the  smooth  muscle.  The  antagonists  likely  act  at the  α1L- adrenoceptor. These actions underscore the clinical use of α1 adrenoceptor antagonists in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Prostatic stroma and epithelium are innervated  by  acetylcholinesterase-positive  nerves.  Nerve-mediated  contractions  of the muscle of stroma of rat, guinea-pig and rabbit are reduced by atropine. Guinea- pig,  dog  and  rat  have  been  found  with  M1,  M2   and  M3   muscarinic  receptors respectively which are implicated in the contraction of the prostatic stroma (Nguyen et  al.,  2013).  Smooth  muscle  tone,  prostate  innervation  and  pelvic  perfusion  are regulated by nitric oxide (NO). The NO is derived from nitric oxide synthase (NOS). The NOS is an enzyme that synthesizes  NO from L-arginine  in terminals of  non- adrenergic/non-cholinergic nerves and endothelium (Bond et al., 2013).

The  innervation  of  the  prostate  is  responsible  for  the  control  of  ejaculation  and micturition. The individualization of the many nerves and intramural ganglia of the prostate is very difficult. The capsule and caudal prostate especially have nerve fibres with diameters beyond 95mm. The urethra in turn has fibres greater  than 30mm in diameters.  The complex innervation has some implications  in  prostate cancer. The nerve path is the route of intracapsular invasion of considerable number of cases of prostate  cancer.  Cancer  may spread  to  striated  sphincter  when it develops  in the prostate apex. The spread may be along nerves to the bladder neck when the cancer growth is towards the supramontanal urethra (Hale et al., 2013).

1.4 Receptors on Some Smooth Muscles

Smooth  muscles  of  human  and  rabbit  prostate  glands  possess  adrenergic   and cholinergic receptors. In the respiratory tract, there is a significant distribution of the human beta2-adrenoceptor (β2-adrenoceptor). The β2-adrenoceptor is a member of 7- transmembrane  group  of  receptors.  Cyclic  adenosine  monophosphate  and  protein kinase affect intracellular signalling. The signalling cascade occurs when they activate β2-adrenoceptor                                          (Johnson,                                          2006).

Fig.  3: Stimulation of adrenergic receptors

Alpha1-receptors relative to beta2-receptors are associated with the smooth muscle of the blood vessels. Epinephrine has a relatively higher affinity for beta2-receptors than the alpha1-receptors.   Vasodilation is produced following the activation of the beta2- receptors while vasoconstriction  results from the  activation of the alpha1-receptors. Hence, the relative  amount of epinephrine  and  the affinity of alpha1-receptors  and beta2-receptors  for epinephrine  determine  its effect  (Budhiraja,  2009).   When the concentration of epinephrine is low, epinephrine selectively stimulates beta2-receptors and this brings about muscle relaxation. However, when the concentration reaches a threshold that can bind to the alpha1-receptors, there will be constriction (Talwar and Srivastava, 2006).

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