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1-5 chapters |


Over the year employees in National Identity Card Management Commission, Abuja have experienced an era of dissatisfaction and lack of motivation on their job. It is in the light of the above statement that this study was undertaken to determine the relationship between motivational factors and general level of job satisfaction and productively. The research is to investigate the response of the employee about the nature of the job, pleasure that he derive from the job, and also the level of motivation given to them (employees). The method used in collecting data for the study includes; questionnaire, which of course is the main sources, interview and observation were also used. After the data’s were sorted out and analyzed, the researcher discovered that adequate motivation factor intends to compel employee’s performance but certain factors such as poor pay package, lack of inventive, promotion, and lack of individual participation, in decision making e.t.c has an adverse effect in performance and productivity. Hence, there is need to improve the general welfare of employees in their organization.


                                      CHAPTER ONE



How much motivation and job satisfaction do workers need or get toward executing their duties efficiently and effectively for higher productivity. In order words, what are the basic need for workers and how are they satisfied by their employer? To most people, what have come uppermost in their minds when looking for job is the salary attached to it but then is salary all that it takes to be satisfied with a job? In Nigeria today, lack of proper managerial knowledge, economics depression and high rate of unemployment have made most workers subject themselves to deplorable working condition which of course are the catalyst of low productivity.

The management of most organization tend to believe that workers are satisfied with their job but unfortunately they are not because they are aware that the job market is tight, they stick with the one they have not minding the condition they face.

The disadvantage of this scenarios to the employer is that most often these workers do not put their best effort toward attainment of organizational goals and as a result of that low productivity will be achieve. The big question is how many organization are willing to continually motivate their employees to enhance higher productivity?

Managers in most of these organization are aware of the situation in the labour (employees) putting in their best in terms of productivity. The needs for security of all types physical, psychological and economic are important for effectively productivity. Security can serve as an incentive to some individuals to remain with the organization and put his/her maximum effort in productivity.

One of the major aims of the research is to investigate extent which management of the organization make use of motivation as a tools to enhance the performance of the employees in the organization, using National Identity Card Management Commission Abuja as a case study.


The impact of motivation on employees performance in a public sectors. Where is observed that employees are not motivated, where motivation are not been given adequate attention. Workers leave organization due to the fact that they are not motivated enough. Some are not willing to leave because they are enjoying some benefits in terms of promotion which leads to increase in salaries, wages, bonuses and other incentives. There is the belief that if salaries are increased workers would be motivated and give out their best. However, late coming, poor time management, laziness, self-interested, and the failure to meet deadlines for the preparation of important working documents has become a common practice. Most organizations in this competitive market fail to achieve their targets successfully because employees perform below standard, and this is due to the inability of the working environment to encourage them to work harder. If management does not invest much into the welfare of their workers, problems are bound to arise that may lead to industrial labour turnover, low commitment to work, low morale, poor job satisfaction that may also lead into low productivity of goods and services. For this reason, most organizations established attractive performance appraisal systems to help motivate their employees to strive hard towards the desired performance that will be reflected on their productivity. However, regardless of the efforts and resources devoted to the implementation of various performance appraisal systems in Tanzania, employee productivity has been deteriorating to the large extent. As much as this is happening, there seem to be a vacuum in the actual contribution of performance appraisal enhancing tool on employee productivity.

The study therefore attempt to access whether or not motivation enhance employee’s performance in a public sectors especially National Identity Card Management Commission Abuja.


The objective of the study are as follows:

  1. To identify the impact of motivation on employees performance in a public sectors.
  2. To highlight what motivation can do in an organization.
  • To make recommendation for its improvement.


H0: Motivation do not increase employees’ performance which contributes to the attainment of organizational set goals and objectives.

H1: Motivation lead to employees’ performance which contributes to the attainment of organizational set of goals and objectives

H0: There is no significant relationship between employee performance and public performance

H2: There is a significant relationship between employee performance and public performance.


The emergency of motivation has a lot benefit on the strength of an organization employees through the grants of motivation.

It is significance also in the area of exploitation and available to achieve a maximum output in the public sectors.

The study shall be of importance benefit to the managers and administrators in pursuit of organizational goals and objective. The study will serves as aid to corporate management and the general public.  To enhance the people’s knowledge on change management. The study will benefit. The organization planning and implementing change programmes. It will also show the steps to achieving successful change programme in the organization. The findings of the study will be of great importance to public officers. The survey sought to find the factors that can improve and derail a public officer to put his maximum effort in solving problems associated with increasing their productivity. The study makes us to understand the following; The public sectors are encouraged to work hard if they are given high salary and good working conditions. Also the study highlighted that majority of the public officers consider leaving public offices due to poor remuneration and fringe benefits in search of better working conditions and good remuneration elsewhere. Lastly many public officers go extra mile to improve the growth of the organization by doing things if they are highly motivated.


The little of this work clearly indicate the area of study as National Identity Card Management Commission Abuja. The issues that will be examined here are the impact of motivation on employee performance in public sectors. In the cause of the study, the researcher encounters some limitations which limited the scope of the study;

Staff Reluctance: In most cases the staffs of National Identity Card Management Commission Abuja often feels reluctance over providing required information required by the researcher. This result in finding information where the structured questionnaires could not point out.

Researcher’s Commitment: The researcher, being of full time student spent most of her time on other academic activities such as test, class work, assignment, examination etc which takes average focus from this study.

Inadequate Materials: Scarcity of material is also another hindrance. The researcher finds it difficult to long hands in several required material which could contribute immensely to the success of this research work.


For the purpose of clarity and understanding while reading of some research work, there is need to give brief definition of some relevant terms which includes:

Motivation: Motivation refers to the way in which urges, drives, desires, aspirations, striving and needs of human beings directs control or explains their behaviours.

Management: Follet (1981) seems management as an act of getting things done through other people.

Performance: Is the accomplishing of a given task measured against present known standard of accuracy, completeness, cost and speed.

Productivity: This refers to maximum output in terms of effectiveness and efficiency of the employee in the environment.

Organization: This word is used here to mean, an entity that is formed by a group of people for the attainment of certain common or objective.

Efficiency: Is the (often measurable) ability to avoid wasting materials energy, efforts, money and time in doing something or in producing a desired result.

Effectively: Refer to a way of produces the interceded result or a successful result.

Goals: Is a desired result that a person or organization plans, envisions, and commits to achieve at a particular time.

Public Sector: Public sector is the part of the economy concerned with providing various governmental services


This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows. Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (background of the study), statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope of the study etc. Chapter two being the review of the related literature presents the theoretical framework, conceptual framework and other areas concerning the subject matter.     Chapter three is a research methodology covers deals on the research design and methods adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study.










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