Amount: ₦15,000.00 |

Format: Ms Word |

1-5 chapters |


Due to urbanization, civic centre has remained a subject of utmost importance because of its role in the city and human existence at large. Civic centre is the city’s symbolic public space where activities such as ceremonial mass gathering, rallies, convention, social and commercial activities takes place. However, civic centres are places that encourage an inflow of people, therefore, there is need to integrate design strategies that will enhance social interaction in the facility. Yet, little or no attention have been given to civic centres especially in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. This thesis examines the adequacy of social interactive spaces provided in Minna civic centres, Nigeria. The objective is to identify design features and activities that will enhance social interaction in civic centres. Seven civic centres were purposefully selected in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria to enhance the study. A combination of quantitative and descriptive method of research using observation schedule, case studies and questionnaire survey was adopted. The data gathered was analysed using Microsoft excel and four point Likert scale calculation which revealed the inadequacy of interactive spaces in civic centres that could encourage cohesion in the community. The analysis further identifies the various design features in the visited civic centres which shows that fourteen percent (14%) provided features that enhances social interaction such as game arcade, fitness centre, cinema and sporting facilities. The study concludes that there is a need for redirection of designers of civic centres to integrate social interactive spaces that can successfully improve public life. This research therefore proposes making cost-effective inclusion of current interactive spaces to improve their design merely by breaking up the present trend of monotony observed in many civic centre designs. Such interactive spaces include game arcade, departmental store, library, vocational department, restaurant, exhibition halls, seating’s around lobbies and walkways. In addition, attention should be paid to other interactive components such as lighting, accessibility, entertainment and other pull variables that will create an enormous difference in civic centre’s improvement.



1.1       Background to Study

Over the years, research by Rabinowitz (2016) shows that most people in the world grew up, lived their lives, and died within 15km to 30km of where they were born. Their communities intended what they had always understood, i.e. families, neighbours, familiar locations, daily routine, social structures and customs.  With emigration owing to increased physical and social mobility, however, individuals discover themselves in locations far from home, living in societies that are not characterized by common acquaintance, understanding and culture, but by geography or economics (Rabinowitz, 2016).

Social  interaction is  the meaningful contact  people  have  with  one  another.  It can be described as the real communication, even if only for a moment, and feelings that each party leave or shared with one another (Morris, 2005). Good areas for communication  are  areas  where  individuals  from  many areas  of  the  society meet naturally with different backgrounds and communicate comfortably and often pleasurably due to the nature, the attraction of the room and the activities connected with the room. (Rabinowitz, 2016).

Great civic spaces are great public  places with several facilities which makes the building to be more functional. They are valued and recognized in their cities and towns as places with their own unique flavour that relate to and nurture the larger community and bring the public together. When cities and neighbourhoods have good civic spaces, residents have a strong sense of the community.

Civic  spaces  as  the  focal  point  of  planned  cities  became  the  constant  resort  of most citizens – daily scene of positive of social, political and business interaction. A fully realized civic centre proclaims the mission and identity of its institutions for all, so that it becomes a forum for public  expression and source of community pride (Cynthia, 2015).

Moreover, a sense of place is of fundamental value to people everywhere, every city, every town, every neighbourhood, and every culture for all ages regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Therefore, how best can we design sense of place that will be effective for good social interaction? However, public spaces are essential ingredient in every community. It gives individuals the opportunity to meet and be exposed to a multitude of neighbours. These meetings often take place by opportunity, but they can also be organized actively.

1.2      Statement  of Research Problem

Civic centre serves as a stage for public lives and functions as where celebrations are held, social and economic exchanges take place and cultures mix. They are places where people can interact with each other and with government. However, most civic centres in Nigeria are not design to always be seen as cohesive district or perform the true civic role, and often fail to function as engaging public spaces (Olaofe, 2010). There are few things more dishearten than an empty courthouse, civic hall, square or grand library steps without a soul in sight. Furthermore, people hang around civic centre for several interactions because there were no provisions for interactive spaces. In addition, civic centre in Minna are frequently found empty except when an event is taking place, which shows the low level of interaction within the facility. The failure of such places raise disturbing question about the fate of the public realm itself.

In many societies, encouraging positive communication between individuals in government areas has been almost forgotten, according to (Borrup, 2007).   Architects, planners, and public administrators have concentrated more on establishing aesthetic sites and offering free motion and automotive storage than on developing sites that promote social interaction.

1.3       Aim of the Study

The aim of this study is to examine the adequacy of social interaction spaces in the design of civic centre with a view to propose design strategies that accommodate social interaction for the users.

1.4       Objectives of the Study

The above aim will be achieved by the following objectives:

i.      To  examine  the  current  design  elements  in  relation  to  providing  social participation and interaction in the use of Civic Centre.

ii.      To identify the design features that can be integrated for social interaction in the design of civic centre.

iii.      To propose the design of a civic centre that integrates design strategies to enhance social interaction.

1.5       Research Questions

This research shall seek to answer the following questions:

i.      What design element(s) can be integrated to enhance social interaction in the use of civic centre?

ii.      How can a civic centre be designed to enhance social interaction for the users?

1.6      Justification of the Study

Civic Centre is a publicly funded municipal building or building complex with room for conventions, sporting events, and theatrical entertainment.  It is a prominent land area built to be its focal point or centre within a society. It generally includes one or more predominant public buildings, including a government building as well.   Therefore, there is need to integrate the design strategies that will enhance social interaction in civic centres which promotes the knowledge of the culture and humanity of each other. They understand better as individuals get to know each other that we are all human, with fundamentally the same hopes and fears.  The facilities that will be provided will also provide a forum for the exchange of ideas. The more individuals communicate, the more they participate together in pleasant or substantive operations.

1.7       Scope of the Study

This study concentrates on enhancing social interaction in a civic centre using architectural design strategies and factors, the strategies will be employed base on the activities and users involved in the design of civic centre.

This project reviewed different design strategies, factors and it applications, which will provide maximum social participation  and interaction  of the users. It is a  fact that everyone, regardless of his or her abilities requires a sense of place where maximum security, comfort and accessibility are important. Several data will also be gathered from relevant research works in the area of design strategies that enhances social interaction in the design of a civic centre.

1.8       Study Area

The study area for the research work is in Minna the capital of Niger state, which is located in the North Central Geo – Political region of Nigeria. Niger State is on latitude 80o to 11o30’ to 07o40’ east as shown in Figure 1.1. Notably, Niger State has the Federal Capital Territory towards its east and a boarder with the Republic of Benin towards the west direction as shown in Figure 1.2. Niger state covers a total estimated land area of 74,244km2.

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