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Background of the Study

There is a great parasite which is feasting very fast on the entire human race. This parasite was once believed to be epidemic in nature but unfortunately is now observed to be a pandemic which has eaten deep in all the sectors of life whether cultural, religious, marital etc. and educational sector most especially. This parasite in question is no other but indiscipline which has destroyed destinies of potential great people leaving their life in depression, sorrow, confusion and regrets.

Indisciplined persons refuse to accept the realities of life, they continue to day dream of a fantastic and fulfilled life without any attempt on their part to struggle to improve themselves in life. Children who are involved in indiscipline are not necessarily children from homes where there is no discipline or love; on the contrary, too much discipline and love could possibly have led some of such children to drugs and other forms of indiscipline. Some children have become drug addicts as a result of their living and school environments. May be if such children were in a different environment they would not have known drugs (Odebunmi 1994).

In the society indiscipline behaviour have become prominent in the fields of education, counseling, sociology, psychology, law, social welfare, politics and indeed any field that have much to do with human behaviours have in one way or the other affected every aspect of man in his social environment. For example, in schools indiscipline has become a locust, palmer worm, canker worms and caterpillars eating deep into the fabric of the educational sector in Edo State especially in the Benin metropolis. In the light of the foregoing, a lot of studies, seminars, workshop and researches have been carried out and will still be carried out on the incidences, causes, effects and remedies for indiscipline behaviour.

Various groups of people have norms that guide and moderate their living together. It is expected that these norms be accepted, practiced and reflects in the way people live. Any behaviour or act that violates these shared norms is regarded as indiscipline. According to Erikson (1996), Back et al (1977) also hold this opinion in their statement.

The term “indiscipline” refers to conduct which the people of a group consider so dangerous or embarrassing or irritating that they bring sanctions to bear against the person who exhibits. Indiscipline is not a property inherent in any particular kind of behavior; it is a property bestowed upon behaviour by the people who come into direct or indirect contact with it.

In the context of this unit, it implies a turning away from the socially accepted norms of behaviour. Indiscipline is defined in the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (6th edition) as a lack of control in the behaviour of a group of people. Indiscipline behaviour implies that the individual behaviour is out of tune, abnormal, different in a negative sense, a shift from what is supposed to be antisocial maladjustment. In fact, such a behaviour runs contrary to the general norms and behaviour acceptability of the society.

Today in our society there are different cases of indiscipline in our secondary schools. They have spread, like wide fire into all levels of education in Edo State and Benin metropolis in specific.

Statement of Problem

Instances of indiscipline behaviour amongst secondary school students abound; specifically, the high incidence of secret cuts, sexual immorality, disobedience to school authorities, examination malpractices, fighting, drug abuse, students unrest in our schools abound.

In the year 2010 an S.S.1 Male Student in Uselu Secondary School, Benin City took cane from a school teacher who was flogging the student for stealing another student’s handset and used the cane to flog the teacher in return. This was a test to by the then commissioner (Dr. Ngozi). Also in 2007 a Group of Six (6) S.S. 111 Students in Edopkolor Grammar School raped one of their young female teachers who was marking an examination script for S.S. 1 (second term) in one of the classrooms after closing hours leaving her seriously wounded. This act was reported to the Okhoro police division.

In 2012 both Male and Female Students of S.S. 111 were caught respectively using a biology key point textbook to answer examination questions in the last NECO exams right inside the examination hall in Ekperi Grammar School, Ekperi Edo State. In 2006 at Western Boys High School an S.S. 1 Student stabbed an S.S. 11 student with a broken bottle over his beret that was seized which he wore to school although it was not part of their uniform.  This was reported by the school principal as stated in the school black book.

Also, in 2010 at Igieduma Secondary School an S.S. 1 student chased his teacher away from school with a cutlass for flogging him for not being able to read. In 2006 at Imaguero College a Girl brought grinded paper to school, during closing hour she poured the paper on the face of a fellow student because of the quarrel they had the previous day.

In 2012 the same Imaguero College two (2) Girls were fighting so the biology teacher (disciplinary teacher) a male teacher to be precise was called to settle the quarrel, after settling the quarrel as he was about leaving the scene one of the students was angry and held the uncle’s tie and she has been waiting for him. In Oredo Girls Secondary School 2011, A teacher called a girl in class and discovered that she had other clothes inside her bag with which she changes whenever she which to leave school and also with condoms so after disciplining her, she went home and called her mother to fight the teacher. Lastly in 2009 at Ezomo College some S.S. 111 students beat up their school principal over his refusal to support them in exam – malpractice.

Purpose of the Study
The objective/purpose of this study is aimed to examine the case of indiscipline in secondary schools in Benin metropolis of Edo state and find ways whereby indiscipline behaviour can be curbed or eradicated if possible from our schools.

Simply put the purpose of this study is to identify cases of indiscipline among secondary school students in Benin metropolis of Edo-State. The study is also carried out to ascertain the concept of discipline indiscipline behaviour, parental influences in indiscipline, factors responsible for indiscipline, indiscipline among male and female students, indiscipline and academic performance and indiscipline and the school authority.

Scope of the Study
This research was limited to some secondary schools in some Local Government Areas in Benin Metropolis of Edo-State. These schools were selected on the basis of continued cases of indiscipline amongst students.
The schools include the following, Uselu Secondary School, Benin City, Edokpolor Grammar School, Benin City. Ezomo College, Benin City. Western Boys High School and Igieduma Secondary School in Benin City.

Research Questions
Which are the most frequently occurring cases of indiscipline in Secondary Schools in Benin Metropolis?
What are the effects of indiscipline behavior amongst secondary school students in Benin metropolis?
In which ways can cases of indiscipline amongst students in secondary schools in Benin metropolis be minimized?

Significance of the Study
The focus of the study is a significant one and one that is highly justified as it will help ascertain the factors responsible for indiscipline amongst secondary schools students.

The study will provide recommendations that could help to reduce or eradicate indiscipline in educational systems especially amongst secondary school students.

In a nut-shell, the researcher of the opinion that the findings and recommendations of this research work would contribute significantly and positively to further theories and research in matters of indiscipline in secondary schools.

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