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Buildings   are  manmade   structures   that  are  primarily  meant  for  shelter.  They are designed  in different  sizes, shapes, forms and functions.  Some  buildings  have only one function and some have multiple functions such as residential and commercial purposes. These  types  of  building  are  referred  to  as  mixed-use  building.  One major  problem encountered with these structures is the issue of insecurity which is as a result of poor design which makes them more prone to attacks by the terrorist and criminals because of the  nature  of these  buildings  and  their  usage.  They  are easy  target  because  these terrorists  know  that  huge  and  valuable  properties  are stored in them. Theaim of this research is an assessment of passive security design measures  in mixed  use building. The   research   method   employed   is   qualitative research     where     the    buildings     were  randomly    selected   from   the   sample population.The   criterion  for  selection  is  building with  three  or  more  significant uses.   Significant    uses   such   as   residential,    commercial,  retail,    institutional, recreational,  and hotel uses. Data was collected  through  personal observation  and analysis  of  the  results  from  the  collected  data  were  discussed  and shown   in tables  and charts using Microsoft  office  word and power  point.  It was discovered that passive security measures to consider in mixed-use building are standoff distance, passive  security  elements  on  site  and  access  and  parking  facilities.  The  study established that 70% of the selected mixed-use buildings in Offa lacked the integration of passive security measureat the design stage. The thesis contributed to knowledge by establishing a clear distance of 1200 millimetres between adjacent security barriers with a height of 600millimeters  and above for security design.  It is recommended that passive security measures such as maximum standoff between structures, use of carbon reinforced polymer as wall cladding, use of perimeter fence, use of defensive plantings, use of laminated  safety exterior  glass and the use of chicane  and offset road approach should  be  integrated  during  the  design  stage  so  as  to  ensure  the safety of lives and properties.



1.1      Background to the Study

The security of every citizen in a country should  be the paramount  objectives  of every government and the state (Achumbaet al., 2013). The security and welfare of the people shall  be the  primary  purpose  of the  government  (Adetokunbo,  2013). However, security still remains a prominent problem in the Nigeria despite the fact that it is a primary objective of the government.

Security   is   crime   prevention,   security   technology   and   risk   management   or loss prevention (David, 2015). Security is a situation that exists when actions for the safety of  persons,   information   and   property   against   unreceptive   persons   and deeds   are established (Achumba et al, 2013). However, David and Achumba et al did not define security in the context of the building and the environment. Therefore securityis  when  the  building  is integrated  with  measures  that  make persons  and properties safe.

According   to  Azazi   (2011),   different   measures   have   been   put  in  place   by the government so as to curb crime in Nigeria. According to the Global Peace Index (GPI, 2012), Nigeria was ranked low in the GPI despite all the efforts by the government to reduce  crime  and  terrorism.  However,  even  with  all  these  measures  to  curb insecurity,  crime  rates  and  attacks  have  been  on  the  increase  creating  fear  and insecurity among the citizens. This implies that there is inefficiency  in the security of lives and properties throughout the country.

Public building continues  to be a major problem to those who are involved  in the design and construction. The designers involved in these buildings are faced with the problem of securing  the asset  and the  building.  In the design  of these  buildings, factors such as the function of the building, the needs of the users and the nature of the work are put in to consideration.The security level of these buildings is determined by the sensitivity of work in the building. For example, a bank will require high level of security because of its nature  of work  which  is keeping  money  (Adedayo  et al., 2017).  However, security measures should not only be considered during the design and construction stages, it should be a continued process even when the building is in use.

The Architect is the leader in the building professional team and also responsible for the design of these buildings. Therefore, he shouldintegrate  passive security during the design  stage.  Passive  security  is a design  that  prevents  threats  and  does  not affect the day to day functioning  of the  building.  If a building  is designed,  it is important  to consider how the security of the building can be achieved sustainably.

Passive security offers lots of benefit. An ideal passive security design is sustainable, safe, and secure and aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, to secure a public building, it is important  that  the  Architect  and  other  professionals  involved  in the  design  to make passive security an integral part of the design.

Public buildings such as mixed-use  buildings, malls, Banks, airports, ports, hotels, government  offices, markets and police stations are seen as easy and soft target by the terrorist   because  huge  and  valuable   properties   are  stored  in  these  places. Therefore, theaim of this research is to assess passive security measures in mixed-use buildings in Kwara State.

1.1     Statement of the Research Problem

The question that bothers every Nigerian is that can the security of lives and properties be guaranteed? considering the lingering challenges posed by insecurity and efforts by the government to ensure the safety of citizens in the country.People  have come in to conclusion  that the government  at all levels have failed in providing a safe and secured environment for her citizens.

Huge amount of funds have been diverted by the government  to national  security agencies in ensuring security of the citizens but it seems that the security situation in Nigeria appears or at least have remained undefeatable. That means all these funds and efforts are a waste. This is a matter that needs urgent attention because there are other sectors  that  need  serious  attention  by  the  government  but  because  of  the importance of security, these sectors have been given less attention.

Public  buildings  such  as condominiums,  malls,  churches,  mosques,  air ports  and market places are more prone to attacks by the terrorist and criminals because of the nature of these buildings and their usage. The terrorists know that it is not possible to completely secure these buildings so they are at risk. There was an incident of bank robbery attack that occurred  in Offa  local  government  area  of Kwara  State  on the  6th  of April, 2018 where more than 30 people lost their lives including 13 police officers and several other people sustained  serious injury (Leke, 2018). The armed robbers also carted away with millions of naira. Had there been a well established security measures in these buildings, the casualties might have been minimal or not happen at all.

It  is   not   only   the   role   of   the   government   to   tackle   insecurity,   Architects and professionals  in the building industries are not left out as they responsible  for design and the   planning   of   the   built   environment.    Therefore,    a   combined effort  from  the government and professionals in the building industry will minimize insecurity in public buildings and Nigeria at large.

1.2      Aim and Objectives

1.2.1   Aim

The aim of this work is to carry out an assessmentof passive security design measures in mixed-use buildings towards ensuring a safe and secure environment. To achieve this aim, the following objectives are outlined.

1.2.2   Objectives

1.      Identify  different  types  of  security  threat  in  mixed-use building.

2.   Determine different security design measures to mitigate security threats in mixed- use building.

3.   Identify  different  passive  security  design  elements  that can be used to mitigate security in mixed-use building.

4.   Proposal   fora  mixed-use   building  design  integrated   with  a  passive security measures that will guarantee the safety of the building and the users.

1.3      Justification

Security  is  an  incorporated   idea  of  positive  peace,  fundamental   human  rights and sustainable   development   (Pam,   2005).   It  is  therefore   the   freedom   from danger, intimidation, lack of fear, and the assurance of the good life.

Apart from ensuring the safety of lives and property, security also enhance the state of mind as the mind is free from every form of unnecessary  worries,  anxiety and feelings of insecurity. Therefore, ensuring security of buildings is to say that you are prolonging the life span of the inhabitants.

1.4     Contribution to Knowledge

At the end of this research,  professionals  in the building industry most especially the Architect being the front runner will have the knowledge of passive security design and understand why it is necessary to incorporate it in the design right from the pre- design and the design stages. Users of public building will also be enlightened  on how to maintain security in their immediate environment.

1.5      Scope of Work

The  scope  of this  work  involves  identifying  and  implementing  different  passive security design principles and design consideration  in a mixed-use  building design. These design principles   will  reflect  in  the  building  and  on  the  proposed   site plan.  It  will  also determine   and  demonstrate   the  implementation   of  the  most suitable  elements  and material to use in order to achieve a passive security design.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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