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The study will investigate the influence of motivation on the performance of employee in Al.hikmah University. The following objectives will be used for the study: following objectives will be ascertained; To determine the effect of promotion on productivity of Al.hikmah University, to ascertain the effect of adequate salaries and wages on creativity of Al.hikmah University, to determine the effect of allowances on efficiency of Al.hikmah University and to ascertain the effect of good working environment on profitability of Al.hikmah University. The method of data analysis that will be used by the researcher based on this study is Chi-square. More so, percentage and degrees of the responses will also be used in the analysis. Here, the ratio of those whose responses were not in the affirmative will be found and conclusions will be drawn there upon.  Representations of the level of responses will be made in tabular form.


Chapter one


1.1Background of the study

Motivation has long been an enormous concern for organizations and human resource managers as a result of it’s an important sign of effective worker performance within an organization. The task of motivating individuals in a corporation is sophisticated and tough because of a large vary of problems that area unit associated with management, workers, organizations, and also the geographical point. Therefore, the organization and human resource manager ought to use a range of ideas and strategies to encourage personnel. For a worker to hitch any organization, there area unit many necessities and expectations. Human resource managers use each financial and non-monetary aspects to accomplish numerous structure and employee-related goals (Leshabari, M.T. (2008). Motivation guide people‘s actions and behaviors toward accomplishment of some goals (Analoui, 2000). In work and alternative contexts thus, motivation is usually delineate as being intrinsic or outside in nature (SansoneandHarackiewicz, 2000). Intrinsic motivation, account from among the person or from the activity itself, completely affects behavior, performance, and well being (Ryan andDeci, 2000). outside motivation on the opposite hand, results from the attainment of outwardly administered rewards, as well as pay, material possessions, prestige, and positive evaluations among others. One of the foremost necessary ways in up worker performance within the public service is motivation. As a quick growing field of analysis public service motivation specialize in the motives and action within the property right that area unit supposed to try to sensible for others and form the successfulness of society (Paryand Hondelem, 2008). Nearly twenty years ago, Pary and Wise outlined public service motivation as “an individual predisposition to reply to motives grounded primary and distinctive publically establishment and organization (Paryand Wise 2008). like any spirited theory, Public service motivation has evolved in refined however doubtless necessary ways as organisation seeks to enhance its staff performance severe challenges exist to attain the objective of the organisation to increase adequate psychological feature incentives to its entire population

Modern studies and observations demonstrate that motivated workers are more effective and innovative in reaching organizational or corporate goals. On the other side, less motivated workers perform worse and are more likely to deviate from achieving corporate objectives. To develop capabilities and translate those capabilities into higher performance, motivation as incentive systems are essential (Ramey and Steinbauer,1999)

An organization will only be successful if its members are driven to perform at a high level, regardless of the strategy in place or the right organizational architecture. The psychological forces known as forms of motivation impact a person’s behavior as a result of difficult or intriguing work, granting autonomy to tasks with room for skill development, possibilities for growth, and other factors. In addition to concrete and intangible benefits, such as pay fringe benefits and special awards, extrinsic is a psychological factor that affects behavior modification (Gareth, James, Jenniferand George, 2003). The idea of motivation cannot be dismissed, regardless of the organization. It is one of the driving forces that have direct impact on the organization productivity.

Motivational strategies unquestionably meet the demands of the employees, who then repay them by working hard. The most fundamental strategy used by every organization to win the loyalty of its employees is to identify needs and respond to them (Chughtai, 2008). It has been noted that motivation tends to energize the work force, which can result in their expected job performance. With a well-motivated work force, an employee’s performance can be manifested on organizational effectiveness, allowing the individuals to focus on the development of their work in terms of behavior, skills (Byham& Moyer,2005). However, no employee would object to a raise in pay or salary because it would provide them the chance to accomplish many things, such pay their energy bills, their school fees, buy clothes, a car, land, and other things.

Statement of the problem

Many firms frequently use compensation increases as a kind of employee incentive, encouraging workers to perform to the best of their abilities in order to boost production. Others also give their staff rent, clothing, and transportation stipends so they can give their best efforts to improve performance, but the whole thing seems to be a mirage. Employee motivation and rewards are crucial factors in determining how well individuals, teams, and organizations perform. However, some organizations have been noted to have a negative attitude toward employee motivation, an improper balance of awards, and inefficient reward schemes. Inhumane working conditions, a poor compensation package, unequal rewards distribution, and late payment of wages and salaries have all been experienced by workers. Additionally, there is no room in their numerous enterprises for employee empowerment, creativity, or innovation. Employees at some companies don’t have enough responsibility or power to make decisions. Some employees who have innovative ideas are prohibited from sharing them with management.

Staff turnover, subpar employee performance, absenteeism, and disputes between the staff and management that resulted in strikes are the end results of the aforementioned scenario. Without a doubt, this causes the Al.hikmah University’s performance and economic contribution to spiral downward. Therefore, it appears that the researcher’s decision to look into the impact of motivation on the performance of employees at Al.hikmah University is based on their recognition of these various elements and components.

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