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As   organizations   are   established,   aims   and   objectives   are   set.   The actualization of these objectives forms the basis of every management. To achieve this, the various activities of the members of the organization must be harmonized with the principles guiding the organization. This then becomes the role of managerial control in organizations. Mullins (1983:31) asserts “As I am responsible for the performance of the subordinate staff then it is only right that exercise control and power over them.” This view defines the aims of control which is to measure organized activities, takes actions when and where necessary to ensure that plans are being accomplished. So, the manger needs to understand the nature of the power and control in order to improve organizational performance as well as strategically level that will enable the manager to achieve the objectives of the organization. Pertaining from the approval, this study is an assessment of the managerial control strategies in a public sector organization a study of PHCN Headquarters. The aim of this study is to ascertain if strategic planning, and if adjustment to new strategies improves organizational performance. Fifty (50) responses out of sixty-three (63) issued questionnaires were analyzed using chi square statistical tool and Yarn Yamane’s formula was used in the determination of sample size. The findings of the study revealed that strategic planning plays a lot of roles in the

continual growth and survival of public sectors. From the research findings we therefore conclude the PHCN PLC have policies and plans which helps them to accomplish their objective that is, to say that the policies helps them to examine its strength, weakness, opportunities and threats that is likely to influence the organization. Strategic planning was recommendations for organizations, in order to help them pursue realistic objectives. I, also recommend that managers should always respond to changes in the business environment for the survival of the organization.



Organizations exist in order to achieve set of objectives, as well as to provide satisfaction for their members. Objectives are the desired results of every activity, and these form the basis of any organization as well as the basis for work by the employees. But, these objectives can only be achieved through efficient managerial control of human resources.

Human resources are invaluable assets in every organization, and the employees in the organization work to meet the ends. These ends are needs which must be actualized. But, the attainment of these needs  must be in conformity with the organizational standards and objectives, hence the needs for a form of control Koontz, et. al. (1980: 722-725) maintain that control processes involve the following: establishment of standard; measurement of performance,  correction of  deviation.  This  means  that,  employees  in  the organizations need a  form of  structure that will guide and  measure their performance, so as to achieve the set standards of the organization, and to check when necessary any form of behaviour which is against the organizational objectives. This then, forms the bulk of activity involved in managerial control.

Control as a function of management is a tool for planned, coordinated and harmonious job relationship. Mullins (1983:31) asserts “As I am responsible for the performance of the subordinate staff, then it is only right that I exercise control and power over them.” This view defines the aims of

control which is  to  measure organized activities, takes  actions when and where necessary to ensure that plans are being accomplished. Mullins (1983) state that to every people, organization relationship, one important feature is the need for control. Control systems exist in all spheres of the operations of the organization, and are a necessary part of the process of management. It is concerned with gauging the measures of success in achieving the goals and objectives of the  organization. “So, the  manager needs  to  understand the nature of the power and control in order to improve organizational performance as well as strategically level that will enable the manager to achieve the objectives of the organization.

One of the most important tasks of government is to serve citizens well. Thus, a core challenge of the public service is to be responsive to the needs of people and deliver the services they require effectively, efficiently and professionally. But too often, public servants do not have the proper tools or systems in place to meet those crucial objectives Chandler (1962). They are hobbled by outdated structures and systems that fail them and the citizens they serve. That is why modernizing government, which embodies a commitment to improved, integrated and efficient service for Nigerians, is at the core of the process to transform government Imaga, (2007).  Due to failure in industries to achieve their objectives through constant changes taking place in the environment, these changes bring new opportunities and threaten continuous existence  relationship  between  firms  and  their  environments.  These  have given industries the function to organize for the future productive and marketing activities.

Managers have continued to focus attention on strategy formulation and implementation as a way of reducing the level of uncertainty, and determining the available opportunity to be utilized.

In an industry, the advantage of strategic management is that, it helps to formulate long range goals and objectives of an enterprise, the adoption of course of action and allocation of resources necessary to achieve these goals Chandler, (1962).

These actions provide long-term guidance for series of productive and operational activities. When industries implement their strategies they influence changes in their industrial structures.


The reluctance by managers and by extension employees to buy into adapts to new approaches and strategies have always had debilitating effects on the performance of their organizations especially in the public sector of the economy.

This problem arises for a number of reasons, among which include; inadequate understanding and appreciation of the new strategies, timing of the introduction of these strategies, and the inherent characteristic of reluctance to adapt to change, at least initially by man. Therefore, the question on how the adjustment to  new  strategy and strategic  planning improve organizational performance in the public sector is called for in this research.



(i)      To ascertain if strategic planning improves organizational performance in the public sector.

(ii)      To  find out  if adjustment to  new  strategy improves organizational performance in the public sector.


Constant changes take place in business organizations in the public sector. These changes bring about new opportunities and threaten the existing relationship between firms and their environments. The following research questions follow from the statement of the problem of the study;

i.        How far does strategic planning improve organizational performance in the public sector?

ii.       To what extent does performance improve when organizations in the public sector adjust to new strategy?


The following are formulated hypotheses for the study;

Ho:    Strategic planning does not improve organizational performance in the public sector.

Hi:     Strategic planning improve organizational performance in the public sector.

Ho:    performance does not improve when organizations in the public sector adjust to new strategy.

Hi:     Performance improve when organizations in the public sector adjust to new strategy.


One can say that the most outstanding constraint, that anyone carrying out a research will encounter, is the limited time to accomplish the work. The researcher also encountered the problem of back of fund. The reluctance of respondents to give correct and adequate information necessary for analyzing the data was also a constraint to the accomplishment of the work.


The researcher will cover areas such as the concept and meaning of strategic planning, its importance in the performance of an organization in the public sector; its advantages and disadvantages to the organization. The researcher will also cover the views of many authors on strategic management and implementation and also how to implement strategic management in an organization in the public sector for the betterment of the organization in achieving their stated objectives.

This study deals with the effect of strategic management on the performance of business organizations with special emphasis on Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN).


– The study is considered relevant not only to organizations in the public sector, but to the entire economy since the environmental influence relevant to strategic decisions operating industry, business, community, country and the world at large.

– There are a lot of changes in the business environment and consequently business organization focuses their attention on strategic planning as a way of reducing the level of uncertainty which face them in the management of the affairs on the company.

– Strategy provides the organization with a clear concept to its business.

– It helps to give opportunity to organizations that intend having a sense of direction and guidance, thereby enabling the organization to configure appropriate organization structure in response to variations in the fluctuating environment.


(1)     Organization:    An  organization  is  an  association of  two  or  more individuals that are working co-operatively towards achieving organizational objectives under leadership and authority. It can be defined from diverse perspectives namely – rational, natural and open system.

(2)     Management:   Management is the process of organizational design.

Organizational design is the process of choosing appropriate organizational structure to accomplish organizational objective. Going from  process  of  planning,  organizing,  leading  and  controlling  the efforts of organizational member, and using all other organizational resources.

(3)     Strategy:   It refers to formulation of basic organizational missions, purpose and objectives, polices and programme. Strategy is to achieve and the method needed to assure that strategies are implemented to

achieve  organizational  ends.  According  to  Stoner  (1982),  it  is  an integrated plan through which an organization achieves its objectives.

(4)     Strategic Management:  It is increasing responsibility of manager to respond to change in the business environment through strategic planning, capability planning, real-time management and management of strategic change (Ansoff 1984).

(5)     Technology:       Technology   is   the   complex   of   techniques   for manipulating materials in a direct manner. There are two components of technology; one is the knowledge for transformation of materials and the equipment or tools used for the transformation.

(6)     Objectives: There are targets that must be achieved if an organization must be able to survive. A good objective must be hierarchical, quantitative, precise and realistic.

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