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This study was on influence of preschool on academic performance of primary schools. Three objectives were raised which included: To ascertain the effect of preschool experience on academic performance of primary school student in BwariI area council of FCT Abuja, to ascertain whether type of preschool attended influence academic performance of primary school student in BwariI area council of FCT and to examine if there is significant variation in academic achievement between preschool educations experienced and non-preschool education experienced students in BwariI area council of FCT. The total population for the study is 75 teachers from selected primary schools in Bwari1 area council of Abuja. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies. The study recommended that the government should endeavour to equip the pre-nursery section with adequate facilities like that of the private schools so that better results would be achieved


Chapter one


1.1Background of the study

The early childhood period is considered to be the most important developmental phase throughout one’s lifespan. What happens to the child in the early years is critical for the child’s development and life course (Siddiqi, Irwin and Hertzman, 2007; Tarumi and Ota, 2011). Early childhood development is the key to a full and productive life for a child and to the progress of a nation. Research paper by United Nations International Children’s Emancipation Fund, (2001) on the state of the world’s children states that half of a person’s intelligence potentials is developed by age four and that early childhood interventions can have a lasting effect on intellectual capacity, personality and social behaviour. Failure to invest in early childhood can result in developmental delay and disability as well as inhibit the optimal development performance of children throughout their lives. Early childhood development refers to a comprehensive approach to policies and programmes for children from birth to eight years of age (UNICEF, 2001). However, with international policy standards, early childhood is defined as the period from prenatal development to eight years of age (Siddiqi, Irwin and Hertzman, 2007)

It has been observed that children are reflections of their environment. Children who grew up in urban centres are distinctly different in their dressing, language and self concept from children who grew up in rural areas. Behavioural and cognitive differences may also exist between children who attend private schools and those who attend public or government schools. Cognitive differences herein refer to academic performance which is the main thrust of this research work. Some other factors also account for the differences that exist in academic performance among children of the same age grade, learning in the same or different environment. Economists now assert on the basis of the available evidence that investment in early childhood is the most powerful investment a country can make with returns over the life course of the child, many times the size of the original investment (Siddiqi, Irwin and Hertzman, 2007). This statement is true of families that invested in the development of their children in their formative years (0-8).

In order to fully understand children’s development, attention must be given to the specific aspects of the child’s environment that can contribute to or threaten the successful mastery of early academic skills and other phase of development in early childhood (Sektan, McClelland, Acock & Morrison, 2010). Children’s growth from autoeroticism to reproductive sexuality and the development of their adult personalities are summed up in Sigmund Freud’s psycho-sexual stages of development (Engler, 2006). For Freud, events in the past can influence the present. This assertion should make the environment of the growing child of utmost importance to the family and society at large. A research paper by UNICEF (2001) reveals that 3 and 4 year olds from low income families who were randomly assigned to a group that did not receive preschool education were five times more likely to have become chronic lawbreakers by age 27 than those who did receive it. This revelation emphasizes the influence of preschool education and how it affects the society

Statement of the problem

Academic performance is defined as the outcome of education- the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals (Ward, Stoker and Murray-Ward, 1996). According to Sabitu, Babatunde and Oluwole (2012), academic performance is one of the parameters used to measure the effectiveness of a school (environment) system. Von Stumm, Hell and Chamorro-Premuzic (2011) opined that individual differences in academic performance have been linked to differences in intelligence and personality. The issue of poor academic performance of students in Nigeria has been of much concern to all and sundry. The problem is so much that it has led to widely acclaimed fallen standard of education in Nigeria (Akiri and Ugborugbo, 2009). Preschool (also called nursery school, kindergarten) is an educational establishment offering early childhood education to children between the ages of three and five, prior to the commencement of compulsory education at primary school. Based on this background the researcher wants to investigate the influence of preschool on academic performance of primary schools

Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of preschool on academic performance of primary schools in BwariI area council F C T Abuja. The specific purposes are;

  1. To ascertain the effect of preschool experience on academic performance of primary school student in BwariI area council of FCT Abuja
  2. To ascertain whether type of preschool attended influence academic performance of primary school student in BwariI area council of FCT
  3. To examine if there is significant variation in academic achievement between preschool educations experienced and non-preschool education experienced students in BwariI area council of FCT

Research question

The following research question were formulated

  1. Is there any effect of preschool experience on academic performance of primary school student in BwariI area council of FCT Abuja?
  2. What is the type of preschool attended influence academic performance of primary school student in BwariI area council of FCT?
  3. Is there any significant variation in academic achievement between preschool educations experienced and non-preschool education experienced students in Bwari 1 area council of FCT?

Research hypotheses

The following research hypotheses were formulated

H0: there is no effect of preschool experience on academic performance of primary school student in BwariI area council of FCT Abuja

H1: there is effect of preschool experience on academic performance of primary school student in BwariI area council of FCT Abuja

H0: there is no type of preschool attended influence academic performance of primary school student in BwariI area council of FCT

H2: there is type of preschool attended influence academic performance of primary school student in BwariI area council of FCT

H0: there is no any significant variation in academic achievement between preschool educations experienced and non-preschool education experienced students in Bwari 1 area council of FCT

H3: there is any significant variation in academic achievement between preschool educations experienced and non-preschool education experienced students in Bwari 1 area council of FCT


Significance of the study

The study will be very significant to students, teachers and ministry of education. The study will give a clear insight on the influence of preschool on academic performance of primary school. The study will find out with solution the variation in academic achievement between preschool education experience and non preschool education experience among primary school pupil. The study will also serve as a reference to other researcher that will embark on the related topic

Scope of the study

The scope of the study covers influence of preschool on academic performance of primary schools. The study will be limited to selected primary school in  Bwari area council F C T Abuja

Limitation of the study

The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study

The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.

Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Definition of term

Preschool: A preschool, also known as nursery school, pre-primary school, or play school, is an educational establishment or learning space offering early childhood education to children before they begin compulsory education at primary school. It may be publicly or privately operated, and may be subsidized from public funds

Academic performance: Academic performance is the measurement of student achievement across various academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates and results from standardized tests.

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