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This study was on effect of counterterrorism and economic development in gurara LGA Niger state (2015-2021). Two  objectives were raised which included; To scrutinize the effect of counter terrorism on economic development of Niger state and to determine the relationship between terrorism, FDI and GDP of Niger state. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were drawn from Gurara LGA Niger state. Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS).


Chapter one


1.1Background of the study

Economic growth is the fundamental macroeconomic objective, especially for developing countries. Economic growth is a basis for economic development. It is difficult to achieve economic development in the absence of economic growth. Economic growth  comes  with  welfare  improvement. The  productive base  of  an economy grows with economic growth. This leads to a rise in national output and income. Real economic growth comes with meaningful progress in the standards of living. It also facilitates market expansion as well as the opening of new markets. Businesses flourish more in growing economies, with an increase in production and employment opportunities (Nnamdi, 2009; and Kambua, 2013). A key constituent of economic grow this human capital

Terrorism  is  violence  committed  to  frighten  individuals  in  an  area  or  compel  the government or international organizations and agencies for religious, political and ideological reasons .It is the terrorists’ activities such as kidnapping, treats, bombing, hijacking and suicide attacks (Shah & Faiz, 2015). Destruction associated with terrorism can be grouped into direct destruction and indirect destruction. Direct destruction includes human capital destruction which involves human injuries and killing, and physical capital destruction which is the destruction of public infrastructures, destruction of goods and alteration of services (Saul,2012; Quintana-Domeque &Ródenas Serrano,2014). The indirect destruction, on the other hand, includes the  arousal of anxiety, fear,  drop-in  mental health, higher security  expenditure,  higher  unemployment  rates,  increase  in  social  expenditure, reduction in foreign direct investments (FDI), etc. (Shah & Faiz, 2015). Direct or indirect, terrorism  causes  economic  growth  and  developmental  challenges  in  both developed and developing countries.

Terrorism  in  Nigeria,  especially  recent  has  regularly  affected  the  lives  and social relationships of people. The peak of terrorist activities in recent years can be traced to the Boko Haram attacks. Approximately two million people have been internally displaced within states in Northern Nigeria including Borno, Adamawa and Yobe, while over 240,000 refugees to neighbouring African countries have been recorded (BureauofCounterterrorism,2019). 13,000 deaths are linked to Boko Haram terrorist attacks, putting the group among the deadliest terrorist groups in the world. Over 6 million Nigerians have been affected by terrorism (Ehwarieme & Umukoro,2015).  Specifically,  on  7th  September  2010,  the  attack  on  a  prison  by  a   terrorist group in Niger state led to the death of many  and there lease of 700 inmates.

Over the past decades, Nigeria especially have used up huge amount of expenditures in implementing and designing the great number of policies to counter terrorism. There was reduction in victims and reduction in terrorist incidence in Nigeria from 2008 to 2010 (Global Terrorism Index, 2015). Evidently, the assessment of proactive counter-terrorism measures and policies needs more exploration to investigate whether the granted amount of resources on counter-terrorism are beneficial. Additionally, the capacity of antiterrorism spending has raise considerably overtime. The public cost of counter-terrorism and terrorism policies yields more than fifty thousand (50,000) victims, containing military personnel and billions of monetary costs from Nigeria’s economy (Nigeria Economic Survey, 2016)

This study is to investigate effect of counterterrorism and economic development in Guarara LGA of Niger state

Statement of the problem

Nigeria‘s ability to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been hit and interrupted terrorism attacks for instance, many potential investors have been not comfortable to injecting in their funds because they are not sure of the next economic implications if another attack is launched in the country. Thus, they are instead searching for an alternative country which is proving to be having a terrorism free environment. Indeed, most of the analysis indicates that the existence of terrorist risk and its correspondence to a severe decline in the net FDI position and to that extent equals to five per cent of GDP. When a country ‘s GDP drops it equally affects the economy as a whole, this means if Terrorism continues to engulf Nigeria, the economic development will be at risk of stagnation or declination

Objective of the study

The objective of the study is to investigate effect of counter terrorism and economic development in Gurara LGA Nigeria. The specific objectives are:

  1. To scrutinize the effect of counter terrorism on economic development of Niger state.
  2. To determine the relationship between terrorism, FDI and GDP of Niger state

Research hypotheses

The following research hypotheses were formulated;


HO:    there is no effect of counter terrorism on economic development of Niger state.

Hi:     there is effect of counter terrorism on economic development of Niger state.


HO:    there is no relationship between terrorism, FDI and GDP of Niger state

Hi:     there is relationship between terrorism, FDI and GDP of Niger state.


Significance of the study

The study will be significant to students, Niger state government and Nigeria as the whole. the study will give a clear insight on the effect of counter terrorism and economic development in Gurara LGA of Niger state. The study will also serve as a reference to other researcher that will embark on the related topic

Scope and limitation of the study

The scope of the study covers the effect of counter terrorism and economic development. The study will be limited to Gurara LGA of Niger state

This study is limited to the following ways;

  • TIME CONSTRAINT: The period within which the study is conducted is short for through research study; hence, gathering adequate information becomes very difficult.
  • FINANCE: This is one of the limitations to the scope of this study as the researcher is facing financial constraint to meet all the needed educational requirements including this research work. This caused the researcher to restrict her research work to one organization for possible study.
  • LACK OF MATERIALS: Lack of materials to topic is also another limitation to this research work, hence the researcher resolved to seek friendly approach in order to obtain the needed materials or information from the establishment under this study through the administration of questionnaire and oral interview

Definition of terms

Counterterrorism: The implements effective measures to countering terrorism, as a serious crime that has no justification, whatever its motivation or origin may be

Economic development: In the economics study of the public sector, economic and social development is the process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation, region, local community, or an individual are improved according to targeted goals and objectives

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