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Television has proved to be a profound means of communication and potentially capable of leaving tremendous effect on the society. Undoubtedly, television is an influential and appealing medium, capable to draw the attention of too many viewers regardless of the literacy or illiteracy of its audiences. Although the cost and expenditure of television exceeds that of radio, it is more effective and powerful from the educational viewpoint. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of television station in community development. This study was a randomized subject, pretest-posttest design among farmers who were working and residing in the rural community. The population of the study including 200 farmers were selected randomly from rural area in Nigeria. After determining educational goals of the study, a questionnaire was duly analyzed and interpretation given and conclusion drawn.







  • Background of the study

Communication has been regarded as the life hood of human existence. Human being communicate on a regular basis to interact and socialize among themselves before the modern means in the process of communication was introduced, talking drums and town criers with groups were prominent among the communication tools, but the scope and area of coverage of those means of communication was limited and could not be about any development change in the country.
However, since the advent of Television station with particular reference to Nigeria, it has served as a major development tool in the various communicates and segments of the country and those developmental roles cannot be over emphasized. Television is one of the engines that propel the social development for its continuity and realization through: Informing, entertaining, and persuading. Television is a powerful tool for social change in any society, it can be studied in its various roles as an agent of social change, a reflector of dominant values, and as a reinforcer of dominant values. Especially on cultural values by projecting the social norms on how infant, adolescents, women e. t. c are expected to behave and further develop the society.
While Socialization is a process whereby individuals are made aware of behaviors that are expected of them with regards to the norms, beliefs, attitudes, and values of the society in which they live.
Socialization helps the individual face the realities of life, through the appreciation of their culture practices. The agencies of socialization are the social institutions that pass on to the people these norms, values, beliefs, and attitudes. There are several agencies of socialization which are developmental: anticipatory, resocialization, reverse, primary, and secondary socialization.

When knowledge is acquired its distribution and application does not come about automatically. The social context of a people; their cultural life, acts as an information processing and filtering mechanism that produces belief systems which define their world views and attributions of cause and effect, and their own agency as humans or ascriptions to the intervention of metaphysical forces. Knowledge, therefore, is enlivened within a culturally determined context that has consequences for its application to the problems of a society; acquiring knowledge directly results in human ―competence‖, subject familiarity and perceptions of ‗truth‘ (Lehrer 2002, pg. 5). This diegesis therefore locates humankind at the core of a social elaboration of development that is shaped by location, history and aspiration, as alluded to by Nkrumah in the quotation above. The sources of information, and the mechanisms for transferring knowledge, therefore, have been historically critical for shaping the attributions of knowledge – its veracity and the viability of application of its edicts to problem solving. The perceptions of quality and character of the mediator of information and knowledge plays a significant role in the acceptance of the mediated content; ‗trust‘ in the source of a message directly impacts its ability to influence attitudes and behaviours, as well as its continued acceptance as a source of truth. Thus, the media have become an important part of the daily routine of life for a lot of people the world over. As a vehicle, it delivers into varieties of social settings the news, information, entertainment, and distanced events; connecting people from disparate communities into a virtual social community able to witness, in real-time or through time-shifted programming, media content that impacts social impressions, 14 beliefs and knowledge systems about a plethora of social and physical realities (O’Shaughnessy and Stadler 1999). While there are cultural and socially structured relationships which affect the salience of the media, any attempt to understand the roles of the media in a society requires a historicised location of the media within the society and in relation to its dominant social uses. Undoubtedly, television has become very important in this work of information and knowledge distribution. In the case of television, beyond serving as a socialising utility, the usefulness of television as an apparatus for social engineering has been part of a wide ranging debate since its inception as a broadcasting service in the 1930‘s (Schramm 1964; Katz and Wedell 1977; Schramm 1979; Noelle-Neumann 1981; Raboy 1996; McPhail 2009).Within the last century, especially since the birth of twenty-four hour television and the rolling news, most national governments have become dependent on an engagement with media to prompt citizens to their changing environments; to communicate urgency and responsibility, and to redefine ideologies about national values, cohesion and inter-dependencies, both internal and external (Osabuohien P. Amienyi 2004). In the West this mode of broadening governance exists as a necessary evolution of the general media and the public broadcasting service, and serves to refine the efficiency of communication between society and government, with television playing an essential role (Smith 1978 in Ursell 2003). In the current era of modernisation and globalisation, the media, especially through televised content, is also increasingly being used to promote Western concepts of modernity that governments in developing countries find unsuited for their development goals but accede to in order to be accepted as progressive (Arat 2003). The advance of the liberal market argument, and its impositions on governments of developing countries (Raboy 1996; Heath 2001), is competing with a nationalist agenda and may be contributing to the fragmenting of governments‘ attitudes towards the media. Some of the agents of socialization include but not limited to The family as  an integral part of every individual’s upbringing, thus  has the power to influence an individual’s self-concepts, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors.
Peer groups this group also sets the norms and values by which the individual must abide. Religion is another major agency of socialization, because it embodies the moral principles of society. In this respect, religion has its own set of norms, values, and objectives that regulate the conduct of its members. The school is another important and crucial agent of socialization. The child who has been with the family for years extends his relationship with the outer society through school. The school provides the intellectual and social experiences from which individuals develop knowledge, skills, customs, beliefs, interest, and attitudes that characterize them and shape their abilities to perform adult roles.
However, the most important agent of socialization for the development is the television. Television has different ways to facilitate communication between the sender of a message and the receiver of that message. It plays an important role in the socialization of children.
The Television stations have a significant role to play in a community to ensure the work ability of the system. It shares and controls the people. It informs, educate and entertain the people. The Television station sees that group, norms are expressed, social controls are exerted, roles are allocated and above all the entries social process is carried out. This being the case, the attainment and sustenance of political, economical as well as social development is dependent on the performance of the radio station.
This research project will look into the general roles of the Television station in community development. How the BCOS television station have fared in performing those roles. It will assess the structured make up of radio station and how it could affect their functions. The performance of the radio station depends a lot of factor and these factors will be exploited and suggestions will be given to exonerate the effects of the negative over and to curb their menace.

1.2   Statement of the Problem

The Television station can be seen as a means of promoting cultural, political and social lives of viewers. The public gets most of their information either directly or indirectly from the television station.
Nevertheless, for the television station to live up to those enormous and uninsurable responsibilities, there have to be enabling environment for operation. The community must give its best to the television station as the medium contributes its quotas to nation building.
The television performs their duties under dangerous condition and the economy has adversely affected the medium. The cost of production has raised astronomically, the cost of the material, machinery and the equipment needed for various programme has equally risen. This medium also have some section which are largely professional and this is the problem of lack of emotional information exchange in treating controversial public issues and the hazards they face when going about their daily activities.
1.3   Objectives of the Study

  • To know the extent that BCOS Television has contributed to the economic development of the Ibadan Community.
  • To determine the extent at which has BCOS Television contributed to the social cultural development of Ibadan community.
  • To determine the extent at which BCOS Television has contributed to healthy living among the people of Ibadan Community.
  • To examine the relationship between television programs and community development in Ibadan


To aid the successful completion of the study, the following research hypotheses were formulated by the researcher;

H0: BCOS television has not contributed to the economic growth and development of Ibadan community

H1: BCOS television has contributed to the economic growth and development of Ibadan community

H02: BCOS Television has not contributed to the social cultural development of Ibadan community

H2: BCOS Television has contributed to the social cultural development of Ibadan community


It is believed that at the completion of the study, the findings will be of great importance to the management of BCOS TV broadcasting outlet as the study seek to explore the role of the TV station in the development of her immediate community and how in affect their day-to-day business. The study will also be useful to the NBC to ensure that both private and government own TV station dully perform their corporate social responsibility, as this will go a long way in improving the standard of their professionalism in community relation.

The study will also be useful to researchers who intend to embark on a similar study as the study will serve as a reference point to further research, finally the study will be useful to academia’s teachers, student, and the general public as the study will contribute to the pool of existing literature in the subject matter.


The scope of the study covers the role of television station in community development in Nigeria. In the cause of the study, there are some factors which limited the scope of the study;

  1. a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study
  2. b) TIME: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.
  3. c) Finance: the finance budgeted for the study was a major constraint to the scope of the study, as the researcher has limited resources at his disposal to combine both research work and other academic engagement.



A television set, more commonly called a television, TV, TV set, television receiver, or telly, is a device that combines a tuner, display, and loudspeakers for the purpose of viewing television


A community is a small or large social unit who have something in common, such as norms, religion, values, or identity

Community development

The United Nations defines community development as “a process where community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems



This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows

Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), statement of problem, objectives of the study, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two highlights the theoretical framework on which the study is based, thus the review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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