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Human resources management encourages systematic strategic planning, non union frame of reference and humanistic self-renewal through great investment on training and human development. This aspect concerns personnel recruitment and selection in relation to cultural beliefs and practices. The aim of this is to determine the extent culture had influence personnel recruitment and selection among public organization. The research methodology adopted was the survey method in which questionnaires designed and distributed among the respondents that form the sample size. The findings of the study includes cultures greatly influence  the  process  of  personnel  recruitment  and  selection  in  public organization especially the case of favouring female candidates in recruitment/selection exercise. Secondly, selection process has been based on educational qualification and experience and test performance. In most public organizations, assessment centre or third partly recruitment agency have been assigned the whole process of personnel recruitment  and selection while the firms does the placement of the selected candidates, because this was adjudge to be the best and modern method in personnel recruitment and selection. It is now recommended that both private and public organizations should adopt the assessment centre  in  their  personnel  recruitment, selection  and  placement. Thirdly, human resource department in most organization should imbibe the virtue of meritocracy and educational qualification with regards to promotions and placement. In conclusion, the influence of culture on the functional elements of the management processes has manifested in their effective recognition, analysis and adaptation by management. The assessment centres’ is a standardized evaluation process that allow for better predictability of the performance and future progress of selected staff in their work environment.



Human Resource Management (HRM) in organizations is concerned with the staffing function by assisting managers to hire, train, evaluate and compensate employees at all levels. Culture appears to influence various aspects of managing human resources Ceteris Peribus, culture affects preferences of managers regarding a variety of HRM activities.

Culture according to  Chuta (1998:6) is  “all the qualities which group men together  and  distinguish  them  from  the  rest  of  the  animal  kingdom”. Satisfactions of man’s physiological needs are paramount in cultural development and this can only be achieved when the society lives. Man in society by his very nature, is a victim of inter personal related which compel co-operation and concerted application of both tangible and intangible resources at all level of human association.

Culture according to Chuta (1998:15) “consists of all those material and spiritual characteristics and products of the human intelligence acquired from the remote past, in the advancement of humanity”. He went further to state that culture comprises many aspects namely; language knowledge, human institution, technology, beliefs, traditions and customs”. Of all these, language manifested foremost in human history. Indeed, the rate of cultural advancement in a given society depends on the level of that society’s value consciousness.

According  to  Chuta  (1998:16)  values  are  meant  to  be  spiritual components of culture and day the essential functions of piloting monitoring and humanizing the entire culture. Chuta went further to desirable which influences the selection form alternative modes of action” the sum total of human efforts at resolving fundamental problems at any state in a society constitutes; which Nwoga in Chuta (1998:20) put:” these are the forces which human beings use at each point in time to achieve their survival and to grow toward full comfortable living”.

This is the more reason why organizations are involves in personnel recruitment and selection, so as to equip the organization with the best fit to guarantee continual survival and profit. Thus, the level of a people’s cultural advertisement in terms of the provision, which the culture, of efficient material base and functional knowledge and idea for civilized, living, is the hallmark of a people’s civilization. Increasing efficiency is the expectation of pursued with the

aim of reducing risk or waste, and as well as save time, cost and increase outputs.

Organizing is the grouping of activities necessary to attain objectives; the

assignment of each grouping to a manager with authority necessary to supervise it and the provision for coordination horizontally and vertically in the enterprise structure. One major question that confronts organization is: who is actually responsible for managing the human resources of the organization? The bulk of the human resource management responsibility falls on the operating (line) managers and they include: work scheduling, recruitment, selection and compensation.  Every  manager  is  responsible  for  managing  the  resources assigned to him, including the human resource effectively in order to achieve organizations objectives. Actually according to Ugbam (2009:14). “The operating managers are in a very good position to manager the human resource in their workers and are therefore likely to know their unique natures and attitudes”.

Employment  is  a  basic  human  resource  management  function  that comprises manpower planning, recruitment; selection and placement (Ugbam;

2009:19). Considering the fact that output to great extent depends on input,

great care should be exercised in the empowerment function and this is done to increase worker productivity and  the extent it  is  achieved depends on  the inherent abilities and competence of the workers employed.

Recruitment is concerned with developing a pool of job candidates in line with  human  resources  plan.  The  candidates  are  usually  located  through

newspaper and professional journal advertisements; empowerment agencies and visits to college and universities campus. Recruitment is the first part of the process of filling a vacancy, the consideration of sources of suitable candidates, making contact with those candidates and attracting applications from them.

“General recruiting according to Agbo (2003:142) is the most appropriate for operative employees which follows comparatively simple, standardized procedures”.

Employers need a pool of prospective employees from which they can fill vacancies. Employees who do extensive recruitment may be continuously setting on now starters, even when there is no immediate need. They simply want to maintain the pool of available staff. “Recruitment according to Ugbam (2009:30) involves searching for and obtaining qualified job candidates in such a way that the organization can select the most appropriate person(s) to fill its job needs”.

The recruitment process is a match-making process, in which the organization is looking for potential employee with certain characteristic and offering the job with associated rewards while the recruits on the other hand have certain abilities and attitudes and at the same time looking for jobs that meet their minimum rewards expectation or equals their qualification status.

‘Selection according to Ugbam (2009:14) is the process by which an organization chooses from a list of prospective applicants via the recruitment exercise and candidates that best meet the selection criteria for the positions advertised are selected for the jobs’.

1.2    Statement of the problem

Cultures with perceived control over their environment feel that people can and do have an impact on their environment and therefore, consider merit (e.g. accomplishments, experience) and skill as the critical criteria for recruiting and evaluating  (appraising/selecting)  personnel.  Culture  have  seen  to  influence various aspect of managing human resources especially personnel recruitment and selection. Over the years and experience had slowed that there are cultural factors that influences personnel recruitment and selection in most organizations in  Nigeria  which today  lack merit  in  the  eyes of  jobs advertised and  had performance creditable well by their own standard. This study who want to study these influencing factors which culture have on personnel recruitment and selection among public organizations in Nigeria.

1.3    Objectives of the study

The following are the objectives of the study:

1.       To determine whether culture has influence of personnel recruitment and selection in Nigeria.

2.      To examine the modalities for personnel recruitment and selection in


3.       To promote maintenance culture with regards to personnel recruitment and selection.

4.       To find out the various ways personnel recruitment and selection is done in public parastatals.

5.      To determine the criteria used in placement of staff after recruitment

among organizations in Nigeria.

1.4    Research Questions

The following questions are used to carry out investigative reports on the study:

1.       What are the modalities used for personnel recruitment and selection in Nigeria?

2.       What are the various ways personnel recruitment and selection are done in public parastatals?

3.       What  are  the  influencing  factors  that  culture  has  on  personnel recruitment and selection in Nigeria?

4.      Do public corporations promote maintenance culture with regards to

personnel recruitment and selection?

5.       What are the criteria used in placement of staff after recruiting and selection among organizations in Nigeria?

1.5    Research hypothesis

Statements of hypotheses are statement of facts that tends to bring out the factual in a research. The following hypotheses are stated in both null and alternative hypotheses, so as to allow for easy testing and decision making.

The hypotheses are



Culture does not have any influence on personnel recruitment and selection in



Culture has great influence on personnel recruitment and selection in Nigeria. HYPOTHESIS TWO


Personnel recruitment and selection has nothing to offer in organizations. ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS (HA)

Personnel recruitment and selection has something to offer in organization.


CULTURE: Culture consists of all those material and spiritual characteristics and products of  the  human  intelligence acquired from  the  remote past,  in  the advancement of humanity (Chuta; 1998:75).

VALUE: This is a conception of the desirable, which influences the selection from alternatives modes of action.

RECRUITMENT: This is the process of searching for prospective employees and

stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.

SELECTION: It is the process by which an organization chooses from a list of prospective applicants attracted by the recruitment exercise, in which candidates who best meet the selection criteria for the position advertised are selected.

PLACEMENT: This refers to the act of finding somebody (applicant), a suitable job to work in.

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