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This study was aimed at investigating parenting style and students social adjustment on academic performance among secondary school students in Ondo State. Ex-post facto research design was employed to collect the requisite data. The study was carried out on a sample of 368 senior secondary school students, drawn from 9,197 SSII students of ten (10) selected senior secondary schools, using stratified sampling technique. Parenting Style Questionnaire (P.S.Q) was used to assess the three (3) parenting styles. While Modified Social Adjustment Scale (M.S.A.S) was used to assess the social adjustment level of the students. Three (3) hypotheses were formulated and tested in the study. The results of data analysis using One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and t-test indicate that parenting styles (Democratic Autocratic and Permissive) have significant influence on social adjustment of senior secondary school students. While parents’ education and gender have no significant influence on social adjustment of senior secondary school students. It is therefore recommended that parents should apply the democratic style of parenting which emphasizes the development of a cordial relationship with children. This could be done by treating them with high sense of responsibility, listening and responding positively to their demands and complains




The child’s primary place of learning is at home, where he gains his initial experiences. Experience of this kind provides a firm foundation upon which later socialization through other institutions outside the family can be built. A healthy home instills in a child a sense of safety, love, and respect for all family members as well as acceptance, responsibility-sharing, and parental and home-owner pride (Fayombo, 2004).

The outcomes of children can be influenced by a variety of specific behaviors that parents engage in during the complicated activity of parenting. According to Gonzalez et al. (2002) and Baumrind (1967), parenting styles are often thought of as configurations or patterns of parental behaviors. Although Klien (2001) views parenting styles as a psychological concept that encapsulates the common methods parents employ to raise their children,

Even while raising children is difficult and challenging, the task and issue associated are far from solved, especially as children get older. Problems are intrinsically linked to the nature and role of the family as it is understood in contemporary society. One of the most difficult and crucial responsibilities of life is parenting. The way parents raise their children has an impact on how their behavior and character develop (Blondin & Cochran, 2011). According to Terry (2004), the three parenting philosophies can predict a child’s behavior in terms of their social skills, academic achievement, psychosocial development, problem behavior, optimism, confidence, motivation, and attention issues (Kordi & Baharudin, 2010). Parenting practices have a significant impact on children’s cognitive growth, social skills, and adjustment.

Many psychologists are interested in social adjustment, which is a result of social development and is a significant indicator of the health of psychology. The most crucial aspect of development is social growth, which is learned through relationships with others, particularly with parents, peers, and teachers. The measure of social growth is a person’s ability to adjust to both herself and other people (Hartup & Rubin, 2013). Many of the person’s basic wants won’t be met if adjustment isn’t made. One will feel alone if they are not adequately integrated into society. A child’s ability to adjust socially depends on the parents’ parenting techniques.

The academic success of adolescent children is influenced by parenting in the same ways that parenting impacts social adjustment. Previous research has demonstrated that parents lay important foundations for a variety of areas of their children’s growth and achievement through their parenting practices. According to Jacobs and Harvey (2005), parenting style is one of the major factors influencing students’ academic success in school. Parenting styles, according to Spera (2005), focus on the responses parents provide to their kids and the tactics they employ to get their kids to do what they want. Baumrind (2005)  categorized types of parenting style based on two dimensions which are responsiveness and demandingness. According to Baumrind, responsiveness refers to the degree that parents promote self-assertion and individuality by showing care and acceptance to children’s desires. Care and acceptance includes kindness, support for independence, and logical contact. Demandingness refers to demands that parents make on children to be included into society (Baumrind, 2005). The demands are imposed through monitoring and controlling of children’s behaviors, as well as communicating the demands directly to the children

Three types of child training styles—autocratic, democratic, and permissive—are distinguished by their demandingness and responsiveness. Each of these parenting styles reflects various naturally occurring patterns of parental values, behaviors, and practices, as well as a harmony between responsiveness and demands. Parents assume a dominant role in determining the standards of behavior that must be followed in an authoritarian family environment. These parents establish orderly, organized settings with explicit rules for their children. Parents who practice a democratic parenting style discuss teenagers about family issues, show their kids warmth, affection, and autonomy while still setting boundaries and being demanding. Contrarily, permissive parents pass over the majority of control to their kids; they rarely, if ever, impose restrictions and when they do, they typically uphold them. They tended to be inefficient and disorderly when managing the home (Fayombo 2004).


Although there is a sincere and long-standing interest among parents, counselors, and schools in learning about and discussing the various issues affecting students’ social adjustment and academic performance, the rate of failure in our secondary schools and students’ maladjustment increases as concern increases. This is because schools today are dealing with a sizable number of young children who are culturally underprivileged and who are primarily malnourished. Most of the time, lack of educational and recreational materials in childhood, autocratic parenting styles, and most frequently permissive parental attitudes have prevented parents from providing the incentive basis for well-balanced social interaction and academic success. The pupils are feeling more and more inadequate and cut off from school activities. The majority of students in this group deal with their inadequacy by quitting school owing to ongoing failure or by being seduced into test fraud, cultism, etc. In the end, employers of labor are growing concerned that graduates from Nigerian universities lack the fundamental skills necessary to find employment elsewhere. Based on this background the researcher wants to investigate parenting style and students social adjustment on academic performance among secondary school students in Ondo State


The main objective of the objective is to investigate parenting style and students social adjustment on academic performance among secondary school student in Ondo State. The specific objectives are;

1. To find out the influence of parenting styles (Autocratic, Democratic and Permissive) on social adjustment on academic performance among secondary school students in Ondo State.

2.  To investigate the influence of parents‟ education on social adjustment on academic performance among secondary school students in Ondo state

3.  To determine whether there is gender difference in the social adjustment of male and female among secondary school student in Ondo state.


The following research questions are formulated to guide the study;

  1. To what extent do parenting styles (Autocratic, democratic and permissive) influence the social adjustment of secondary school student in Ondo state?
  2. To what extent does parents’ educational level influence the social adjustment of secondary school student in Ondo state?
  3. What is the difference between the mean scores on social adjustment test of male and female students?


The following research hypotheses are formulated to guide the study;

H1: There is no significant difference between the mean scores of students brought up under either Autocratic democratic, or permissive parenting style in a social adjustment test.

H2: There is no significant difference between the mean scores of students from parents with high and low educational level in social adjustment test

H3: There is no significant difference between the mean score of male and female students in social adjustment test.


There have been several researches conducted on influence of behavior on social relationship in and outside school environment.  Sociologists, social psychologists and guidance counselors have carried out a lot of investigations on how human beings relate to one another, and how, parents use their knowledge (experiences and skills) in training their children (young one) to learn and relate well and the  reasons and importance of such relationships.

Since parents/ home are believed to be the first social contact of the child, it has a very important function towards enhancing the social behavior and general adjustment in and outside school.  Parenting styles or parent-child interactions also appear to influence children’s social problem solving orientations by teaching children strategies for initiating interactions (Petit, 1992).  But the extent of the influence of parenting styles and parents‟ education on student’s social adjustment is not clearly and specifically known. The finding of this research will help the parents, teachers and students to know clearly the extent of influence of parenting styles and parents education on social adjustment of senior secondary school students in Ondo State.  The research findings will help the parents in knowing which type of parenting style influence social adjustment most and apply it in dealing with their children for better children social adjustment. 

The research findings will help the teachers to choose the best leadership style (i.e the autocratic, democratic or permissive} and apply it in their classroom management so as to help students in their process of social adjustment.

The findings of this study help the students or children to bear with the type of parenting style use by their parents and adjust properly in their daily home and school activities.

The recommendations that emerged from this study will also go a long way in helping the government to use teachers and school guidance counselors on minimizing students‟ social adjustments problem in our senior secondary schools and society in general.


The scope of the study covers parenting style and students social adjustment on academic performance among secondary school students in Ondo State. The will be limited to selected secondary schools in Akure South Local Government in Ondo State


Autocratic Parenting:  They are parents who are very strict in dealing with their children and they place high value on obedience and conformity.

Democratic Parenting:  They are parents who are moderate in dealing with their children, they listen to their children’s complains and consider their developing needs and capabilities.

High Educational Level: It is referring to having a higher educational qualification, that is Diploma and above.

Low Educational Level: It is referring to having no formal education, Adult Education, Primary Education, and Secondary Education.

Parenting Styles: These refer to the different ways or methods parents use in bringing up their children

Parents Education:  This refers to the knowledge or experiences and skills judged by the highest educational qualification acquired or attained by the parents of the students.

Permissive Parenting:  This is a form of parenting where by parents is not much care about their children’s activities.  They mostly allow their children to decide what to do for them.

Social Adjustment:  This is considered as a person’s ability to behave and interact with other individuals in an accepted way and achieve satisfaction

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research



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